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f , <br /> <br /> ~ ; 26'33 ARDEN HII.IS CODE <br /> TRAFFIC 126-88 <br /> anoavmobile rafety certificate ieeued by the commwioner of (c) Operator shall yield right-of•wy? to 1011 other vehicla ~ <br /> public eafety. (Ord. No.125, j 3(q),12-8-69) and all pedeetriane. Bec• ~6-54. Parmi~~ion to oysrate o~ public property. (d) Operation ehall be on the right ude of oentor line ar <br /> <br /> It shaU be uinlawful for en far ae ahell be practicable. Y Pereon to operate a - <br /> ~f enowmobile upon eny lande, e:cept public right-of-waya (e) Headlight and tail4ght shall be iDilnainated et all <br /> owned bY the citY, county, state or school district unless timee. <br /> permiseion to do eo ie leafully poeted upon euch land (Ord. (f) Operator ahell diemount fmm machine and walk <br /> Na, 125, f 3,12-8-69) machine through ell turne witb operator wellting on <br /> the eide of <br /> Bec. 28.86, pperatlon ~vithin right•of-pay, the machine outeide of the turn. <br /> It ehell be unlawf~( far u~ (g) Operation shall be prohibited between the houre ot <br /> ypen0n' 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 am. e:oept for fotlowing a direct <br /> (a) To operate a ruowmobile upon the roadway, shoulder route from e permitted enowmobiliag uea to the <br /> or ineide bank or rlope of any trunk, cowoty etate aid, operator'r home. (Ord. No.126, ¢ 3(p),12-8-69) <br /> aty or county highwty in thie etate, and, in the caee p- <br /> ot o divided trunk or county highwey, on the right of 8ec. 28-87. Permissiod ~o oyersk on private land. <br /> wey between the oPPain8lanee o# traffic, ezcept Ae It i Bhall be ualawfiil for an , <br /> provided herein; Y P~a to operate a <br /> . ano+vmobile upon any pnvately owned lande without t6e <br /> (b) To operate a wowmobile within te right-of•wey of oonsent end permiesion of the owner of euch landa, given w <br /> °nY trunk, countY state eiid, aty or county highway tbe menner provided ia 3ection 84•90, $ubd. 2, of Minnesota <br /> betweeq the haure of oae-half bour after ew~eet to 3tetutes, es amendea, which ie tncorporeted herein by <br /> one•helf hour bepure sunriee~ e:cept on the right•hand reference eud adopted in Section ~-22 of thia Code. (Ord, <br /> eide of euch right-of-wBy and in the rame direction ae No. l?b, J 3(c),12-8-69) <br /> the hiBbWey treFfic on the neareet lane of the roedway <br /> adjecent thereto; Bec. 28-38. Crooring streets, highways. <br /> (c) To operate a movmobile et eny time within the R'i~ ~Pect to direct craeeing of a tnuilt, county itste <br /> 'right-of•way of any imteretate ligbaoy or freeway. aid, city or oounty highpay, iuch croaings may %`made <br /> (Ord. No.12b, j 8,12-8-89) Provided: <br /> $ec. 98-88. (a) The croeeing is mede at an ~le of approiimately <br /> Operatlon oa streete geaerally, ninety (90) degrem to the direction of Lhe highwey and <br /> it ,be11 be unlewful for eny pereon to operate e at a place where no obtruction preventa e quick and <br /> snowmobile upoa the msdway of any city etreet ezcept in a °afe cr0sein8; e°d <br /> direct route fram the opsretor'e home to a permitted <br /> enowmobiliag erea ur ntura, and then euch operation eball (b) The ,nowmobile ie broug6t to a complete ~top before <br /> be in compliance with tbe foll croeeing the eboulder or main treveled Wiy of the <br /> ovin8 regulatione: Aighwey; and <br /> (e) OPeretor ehall be in a rtanding position et all times. (c) T6e driver yields the right-of-way tu all oncomiag <br /> (b) Speed shell not ezcesd eight (8) milee per hour. traffc which corutrtutee w immediate hwrd; end <br /> 1626 1527 <br />