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<br /> . • <br /> - TRAMC 12647 <br /> , 696.38 ARDEN HiLIB CODE ' <br /> building or e=cept when traveling in e direct route from a ' <br /> (d) In croeeing e divided highwey, the croesing ia made permiesible area for snawmobiling to the home °f the <br /> only at an intereectaon of auch highway aith snother opeCBtor. (prd. No.125,1 3(a),12-5-69) <br /> pubGc atseet or highway; and . , . <br /> (e) If the croseing ie made between tbe hours of one-half $ec. 28-48. Protection of vogetation. <br /> hour after auoeet to one-half hour before aunriee or in It ehall be unlawful for any peraon to operate a <br /> ' conditione or reduced vieibility, only if both froat and ~o~obile in eny tree nurseq' Qr PlentwB m a cnanner <br /> rear lights are on. which demegee or datroye growin~ eLock. (Ord, No. 12b~ ~ <br /> Provided, however, that operetion upon a etreet or highway g(h),12-8-89) <br /> aa provided herein, mey be permitted without reference to <br /> these reetricteone in an emergency during the period of time geo. 26-44. DietnrbinQ peace. <br /> when and et locstione where anow upoa t6e roedwey It e~ for sny pe~eon to aPerete any <br /> rendere travel by automobile impractical. (Ord. Na 125, # anoavmobile in a manner wluch c°netat°~e a publtc <br /> 9(01,12-B•69) nuieance and annoye, injuree or enden6ets the health, <br /> ~'$ty, coonfort, or repoee of the public. (Ord. No.126, 130), <br /> $ec. 88-39. Drlvins ander the iaflnenca 12,8.69) <br /> , It thell be wilawful' for aAY Peraon to operate a . <br /> tnowmobile while under the influence of intoucating liquor gec, 26-46. Equipment `ensrally. j <br /> ar parcotice or babit-forming drugB. (Ord. No. 126, I 3(g), <br /> It ehall be wnlawful for any person to operate t I I <br /> 12-8-69) 'nowmobile unlese it is equipped with at leaet one head]amP ' I <br /> Ssc. $8-40. 8peed cenerally. end oae tail lamp, and rvith brekes, both lampa end bralces <br /> to conform to etate law and to etanderde prescribed by the ~ <br /> It ehall be unlawful for sny pereon to operate a nile of the commiesioner of highweye ptueuant to tha j <br /> mowmobile at a rate ot rpeed greater then e+easonable or authority vested in him by Section 84•86 of Minnesota ~ <br /> 3tatutee. (Ocd. No.125, 1 3(k),12-8-69) ~ <br /> proper under the eanounding circumstanoes. {Ord. No.12b, f i <br /> 3(e),12-8-65) <br /> gec, 26-48. U~e of headli~ht. ~ <br /> $ec. 58-41. Careleas, reckless operatiom to operatfs a <br /> ~ <br /> It ehell be unlawful for any peraon to operate a It ehall be unlawful for any peron snowmobile during the houre between one•half hout aefore I <br /> snowmobile in a careleoe, reckleea or negligent meanar eo ae ounset and one-half hour after eunriee avitl?out tha reduired I <br /> to endanger the peeeon or pmperty of another or to cauee beadGght and tpillight beinQ illuminated• (Ord• No. }25, j , <br /> iqjury or damege thereto, (Ord. No.126, s S(t),12-8-69) 3(d), 12-8-69) <br /> f <br /> 8ec. $6-42. Proximity to residenaes. Bec. 28•47• Mufiler• ' <br /> It &hall be unlawful [or tny pereon to operate a It rhall be unlawful for any pereon to opertte any . k <br /> uwwmubile within one hundred (100) feet of a residential onowmobile unleea euch snowmobile ie equipped aith e <br /> building between the houre of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. standard engiae muftler and eshaust orte°° in gQOd i <br /> ezcept With the perrmiYion of adult occupente of ruch i~ 3629 ~ <br /> 1628 C <br /> ~ <br />