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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Guide to Policies Page 1:2 <br /> <br /> 5. Portable ashtrays must not be maved into the'no-smoking <br /> section of any room. <br /> <br /> 6. The occupant of a private affice may designate his or <br /> her office as a smoking or no-smoking area. <br /> 7. Smoking r~ prohibited in any company v~hicle except those <br /> that are us~ only by one person. <br /> <br /> 8. Grievances abo t the smoking policy s ould be handled <br /> according to th procedure outlined o page 12 of the <br /> Employees' Manua . <br /> 9. The penalty far vio ating these rul s will be the same as <br /> that for any other v olation of si lar magnitude, for <br /> example, wearing inap ropriate cIo hing, being tardy, <br /> cheating on a time car . 3ee page 15 of the Employee's <br /> Manual. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Implementation Guide i es for Managers <br /> <br /> 1. The policy is based on the fol wing two premises: 1) that <br /> smoking is prohibited except 'n reas posted Smoking <br /> Permitted; 2) that nonsmokers wi 1 be accommodated <br /> first. <br /> 2. Smoking is prohibited in co on a ess such as eopp rooms, <br /> bathrooms, elevators, hallwa s, o conference rooms. The <br /> only exception is allowed wh n two comparable (bathrooms or <br /> break rooms) esist and one can be esignated smoking and one <br /> no-smoking. <br /> <br /> 3. Large open work areas, the br ak r om, and the cafeteria <br /> will be divided into smoking a d n-smoking sections with the <br /> following provisions: <br /> a. The smoking and no-smoking s tions must be clearly <br /> posted. <br /> b. The no-smoking section must have at least 200 square feet <br /> . and be separated from the smoking area by a physical <br /> barrier at least 56 inches high or a buffer zone (in <br /> which smoking is prohibited) of at least four feet. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br />