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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Minutes of Public Safety/Works Committee Meeting. January 15. 1981 <br /> Page 2 <br /> <br /> Committee asked how Ordinance was enforced, and in what areas operation of <br /> snowmobiles is allowed. Herbst replied they are allawed anly on private <br /> p operty and on large bodies of water; the department has ten snowmobiles and <br /> a 1 terrain vehicles used in enfarcement. Residents observing any violation of <br /> t ordinance should call the Sheriff's Office immediately. Committee <br /> curred to ask that a statement be made in the TowsY Crier to this effect. <br /> It was moved by Steglich, seconded by Timm, that Committee recommend to Council <br /> the addition of the recomnended paragraphs (Attachment A) to the Snowmobile <br /> Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> - Fire Department Report <br /> The yearly report shows an increase in totaZ number af calls in 1987; Johnson <br /> reported that the increase was mostZy in number of false alarms. Because the <br /> contract cities have adopted (or are in the process af adopting) false alarm <br /> ordinances, a neW category of call (024 Unfaunded Ca).1) is being added to cover <br /> those calls formerly "dumped" into false alarm category, which had no <br /> foundation. <br /> Committee members expressed concern about the Island Lake site for the proposed <br /> fourth station questioned whether State Will release`the land for the site; <br /> Whether it could be staffed adequately in that area; whether it Would provide <br /> enough reduction in response time to Arden Hills to be of benefit to Arden <br /> Hills. They briefly discussed the Colestock site; consensus vas that this <br /> would be a better location both in terms of recruitment of fire fighters and <br /> response times to both Shoreview and Arden Hills. Having the station on the <br /> north side of the railroad tracks xas slso a concern. <br /> Committee discussed at length its responsibilities in reviewing Fire Department <br /> activities; felt that while they review the monthly reports, they did not have <br /> the background information needed to advise or comment on Fire Department <br /> matters. It was moved by NcClung, seconded by Timm, that a subcommittee be <br /> ~ formed to research the activities of the Fire Department as a whole, and report <br /> back to the full committee. Hotion carried unanimously. <br /> The subcommittee will consist of NcClung, Ambli, and Malone. The first <br /> priority of this subcoffiitCee will be to look more closely at the need for, <br /> costs of, and location of proposed fourth station. <br /> REPORT OF PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR ROBERT RADDATZ <br /> <br /> Water Tower Progress Report <br /> Raddatz reported that work on the vater tower has been moving ahead of schedule <br /> because of the fine veather; footing are in, side walls are up; water pipes and <br /> drains are installed; the steel should be delivered soon and installation of <br /> this vill begin. He expects the tower to be in operation earlier than negt <br /> fall ( originally anticipated). <br /> A false ceiling is being installed, and out-of-season Parks and Public Warks <br /> equipment Will be stored beneath ft. If it seems feasible after completion of <br />