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PC Packets 2008
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7/1/2008 11:04:18 AM
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10. Garages and accessory structures are permitted within the R-2 Zone. <br />11. The existing dwelling and the proposed garage are outside of the 100 -year flood plain, <br />wetlands, and easements. <br />12. This project requires a Tree Preservation Plan and a maximum tree mitigation amount of <br />49 feet of new trees, the applicant is proposing to plant 18 feet. <br />13. The proposed garage would be 988 square feet. <br />14. The exterior finish will match the principal structure when the existing home is resided in <br />the near future. <br />15. The lot is unusual in that there is room to construct two 728 square foot accessory <br />structures on the property without a variance. <br />16. The proposed garage would create less impact and be more attractive than what is <br />presently on the property. <br />Staff Analysis <br />The findings of fact for this Site Plan Review support a recommendation for approval. If the <br />Planning Commission wishes to make a recommendation for denial, the findings of fact must be <br />amended to reflect the reasons for the denial. <br />The tree preservation issue is another matter. The Planning Commission must first determine if <br />three of the trees to be removed would be considered nuisance trees if the utility company <br />determines that they are a safety hazard or could impede the electrical service to the property. <br />Regardless of this outcome, the applicant is proposing to plant thee new six foot trees. Secondly, <br />the Planning Commission must determine if three trees totaling 18 feet in height is an <br />appropriate mitigation amount in the event that the utility company does not determine that the <br />trees are a hazard. Code requires 49 feet, which would amount to eight, six foot high trees. A <br />reduction in the mitigation amount may be granted at the discretion of the Planning Commission <br />and City Council for the purpose of the greater public good, including for the placement of utility <br />services. Staff has provided a condition of approval that addresses the trees; the Planning <br />Commission may amend this at their discretion. <br />This application marks the first test of the newly adopted Tree Preservation Ordinance. While <br />enacting this ordinance was an extremely important step in protecting the natural beauty and <br />property values of our community, it is likely that certain aspects of the ordinance may need to <br />be adjusted over time. If the Planning Commission feels that the regulations are unreasonable <br />and a reduction in the required mitigation amount is granted, Staff strongly recommends that the <br />ordinance itself be reviewed to determine if an overall change is necessary for residential parcels. <br />If the Planning Commission recommends approval of this site plan review, Staff recommends the <br />following seven conditions: <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for July 2, 2008 <br />llMetro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPlanning Cases 12008 M-018 Beard Site Plan Review (Pending) 1070208 - PCReport -Beard Site Plan <br />Review.doc <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />
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