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4. Additional Review <br />This application may require Rice Creek Watershed District approval prior to the issuance of <br />any building permits. If the site plan review is approved, a condition has been added <br />requiring RCWD review prior to the issuance of building permits. <br />Site Plan Review Evaluation Criteria <br />The Zoning Code allows for a property owner to construct a single accessory structure, not to <br />exceed 1,45 8 square feet in unusual circumstances, if approved through a Site Plan Review; <br />however, the Code does not define unusual circumstance, or specifically identify criteria for <br />evaluating a site plan for the purpose of granting approval of a larger accessory structure. <br />The approval is largely left up to the discretion of the Planning Commission and City <br />Council. The purpose of the site plan review process is to ensure a higher quality project <br />than could be achieved by following the letter of the Zoning Code. In the case of this <br />application, the proposed garage is 988 square feet. The property owner could fit two <br />accessory structures up to 728 square feet each on his property, which would likely have <br />more of a visual impact than this single structure. The property owner has argued that having <br />the single accessory structure that is 988 square feet will look nicer and add more value. <br />The Code regulates that the exterior finish must be compatible with the existing structure and <br />the neighborhood. While the exterior of the proposed garage will not match the color and <br />material of the existing principal structure, the applicant has indicated that his intention is to <br />reside the house to match the garage in the near future. <br />Findings of Fact <br />Staff offers the following sixteen findings of fact for review: <br />1. The lot is ten feet narrower than is required by Code, but meets all other minimum <br />requirements of the R-2 Zone. <br />2. The existing dwelling encroaches five feet into the front yard setback <br />3. The existing garage encroaches five feet into the side yard setback <br />4. A site plan review is required for the detached accessory structure. <br />5. The proposed accessory structure would reduce the existing non -conformity of the lot by <br />removing the non -conforming garage and constructing a new garage that meets all <br />setbacks. <br />6. The maximum structure coverage meets the requirements of the R-2 zone. <br />7. The minimum landscaped area exceeds the requirements of the R-2 zone. <br />8. The existing dwelling does not exceed the 35 foot height limit. <br />9. The proposed garage would not exceed the 15 foot height limit for accessory structures. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for July 2, 2008 <br />IlMetro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPlanning Cases 12008108-018 Beard Site Plan Review (Pending) 1070208 - PC Report - Beard Site Plan <br />Review.doc <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />
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