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Although the new Comprehensive Plan is much kinder to the Arden <br />Manor community than the 1998 Comp Plan, there is still much room <br />for improvement. It just doesn't seem to be sensitive to the plight of <br />our residents. The new Comp Plan sees Arden Manor as an <br />"important supply of affordable housing." We're not a commodity, we <br />are a community! <br />Duane Sheaser and I attended all the Comp Plan community <br />meetings. There was a lot of discussion about what we wanted for <br />the future for Arden Hills. Many talked of bike paths and green areas, <br />a transit system, park and ride areas, community centers, etc. There <br />was no talk of affordable housing. <br />Arden Manor is the only affordable housing in Arden Hills, which is <br />far behind on its commitment to build affordable housing units. Were <br />it not for Arden Manor, Arden Hills would have little to no affordable <br />housing units. I think much more effort and discussion should be <br />expended in striving to maintain Arden Manor. Much progress has <br />been made since 1998, when the concensus was "it is anticipated <br />this area will be considered for redevelopment." Most of this progress <br />has been made in the last year when Arden Hills discovered that <br />there are actually people living in this community and they care about <br />their homes and their neighborhoods. <br />The 2008 Comp Plan touches on "affordable housing units." For <br />single family homes, I believe the prices start out at -around $250,000 <br />{TCAAP). This is not affordable housing for many, many people. <br />Townhomes are mentioned. For many this is nothing but expensive, <br />glorified apartment living. Though many may not like it, manufactured <br />housing is perfect for many others. It is affordable home ownership. It <br />affords the privacy of a single family dwelling. The small yards are a <br />bonus. for senior citizens who like taking care of a yard, but have <br />downsized to something manageable. <br />Instead of Arden Manor being the main "supplier" of truly affordable <br />housing, perhaps more attention should be paid to the next "supply" <br />and where it will come from. <br />Thank you <br />