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7B, 2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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7B, 2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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9/10/2008 10:07:48 AM
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9/10/2008 10:06:37 AM
2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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<br />PROJECT SCOPE <br />& ApPROACH <br /> <br />PROJECT CONSTRUCTiON OBSERVATiON: Bolton & Menk's construction observer will attend the pre- <br />construction meeting and all construction-related meetings required by the City of Arden Hills. The <br />construction observer will be on the project site daily, serving as a full-time liaison between the City and the <br />contractor. The construction observer will review the work completed by the contractor to detelmine if the <br />project is in general conformance with the plans and specifications, and will report to the project Inanager if <br />any work is unsatisfactory. The construction observer will review all materials testing and advise the project <br />manager of any deficiencies. The construction observer will maintain orderly files including a daily <br />construction diary to be submitted to the City at the end of each week. The construction observer will perform <br />erosion control inspections and facilitate the storm water pollution prevention plan for the project with <br />oversight from the project manager. The construction observer will also assist the City Staff with resident <br />concerns and issues by meeting with adjacent property owners as necessary and reporting these issues to the <br />City. For the purposes of this proposal we estimate our construction observer will spend 45 hours per week on <br />the project for 16 weeks. Weare prepared to consider an alternative construction schedule if desired. <br />Construction testing will be coordinated by the project representative, but will be contracted separately by the <br />City. <br /> <br />PROJECT CONSTRUCTiON ADMINiSTRATION: Bolton & Menk, Inc. will organize and conduct all required <br />construction meetings, including the pre-construction meeting and weekly on-site progress meetings. The <br />project manager will respond to any design questions from the City, contractor, or residents; maintain regular <br />contact with the construction observer and will advise the City of the project - s progress and conformance with <br />the contract doculnents; and track field notes and testing. Construction ne\vsletters win be prepared by the <br />project manager on a monthly basis for distribution to keep neighborhood residents infonned of the <br />construction activities and schedule. The project manager will also prepare all required adlninistration <br />documents including pay estimates, change orders, etc. For the purposes of this proposal, we estilnate our <br />project manager will spend 8 hours per week during a 16-week construction period. We are prepared to <br />consider an alternative construction schedule if desired. <br /> <br />PROJECT CONSTRUCTiON STAKiNG: Bolton & Menk, Inc. will provide all necessary constluction staking for <br />storm sewer, watermain and sanitary sewer construction. Staking information will include line and grade <br />at intervals appropriate for the utility construction. Construction staking, including line and grade, will <br />also be provided for curb and gutter, sidewalk and trails at intervals of no more than fifty feet. Cut sheets <br />will be maintained for all staking with copies being provided to the contractor. We will also keep survey <br />records of the construction for creating record drawings. <br /> <br /> <br />AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION: Upon completion of the project, Bolton & Menk, Inc. will compile construction <br />records maintained by the construction observer, contractor and construction staking crew for the purpose of <br />preparing record drawings of the project. These drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD and will comply vvith <br />the requirements of the City of Arden Hill's standards. Record drawings will be delivered to the City of Arden <br />Hills in both hard copy and electronic format. <br />
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