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7B, 2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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7B, 2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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9/10/2008 10:07:48 AM
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9/10/2008 10:06:37 AM
2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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2009 PMP & Resolution 2008-030
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<br />PROJECT SCOPE <br />& ApPROACH <br /> <br />Task 2: FINAL DESIGN & BIDDING <br />FINAL PLANS." Bolton & Menk, Inc. will prepare detailed construction plans in AutoCAD format, illustrating <br />plan and profile views of the proposed street rehabilitation. Utility plan sheets will be prepared including storm <br />sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain. The plans will be prepared in accordance with the City of Arden Hills <br />standards. Cross sections will be shown a maximum of every 50~incll1ding at drive\vays and intersections. <br />Required construction details, tabulations, and a title sheet will also be prepared. Final plans will be submitted <br />for review and comment to the City and private utility owners'. Electronic distribution of plan sets and <br />specifications will be utilized for bidding and construction. Bolton & Menk will also be available for monthly <br />progress meetings with the City throughout the design phase of the project. <br /> <br />PROJECT SPECIFiCATIONS: Bolton & Menk, Inc. will prepare a complete Project Manual that includes technical <br />specifications, an itemized bid schedule and all contract documents (agreements, bonds, etc.) required by the <br />City. The Project Manual format will be consistent with City standards. <br /> <br />PERMITTiNG: Bolton & Menk, Inc. will complete and subn1it permit application forms for all required project <br />permits. Initial contact has been made with the Rice Creek Watershed District. It is anticipated that permits <br />will be required from each of the following agencies: Rice Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency, Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Depa11ment <br />of Transportation, and Ramsey County. Any required permit fees would be paid by the City of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />EASEME1VTS: Bolton & Menk has estimated easelnent acquisitions from up to three (3) prope11y owners. <br />Whenever possible, temporary rights of access will be utilized in place of temporary construction easements. <br />We will also prepare legal descriptions, exhibits, and easement documents to accompany legal documents <br />furnished by the City. Every effort will be Inade to have easelnent acquisitions in place prior to the award of <br />the construction contract. Bolton & Menk~s design vvill utilize the existing right of way to the extent practical <br />in order to reduce the needs for easements. <br /> <br />BIDDiNG PHASE: Bolton and Menk, Inc. will provide bidding phase services, including preparing the <br />advertisement for bid, bidding documents, and any required addenda. We will also be available to answer <br />questions from prospective bidders and assist in conducting the bid opening. After bids are opened, Bolton & <br />Menk will verify bids and provide a detailed bid tabulation along with an award recoIDlnendation to the City of <br />Arden Hills. <br /> <br />ASSESSMENTS: After bids have been opened Bolton & Menk, Inc. will prepare the fmal assessment roll utilizing <br />the low bidder's prices. <br /> <br />Task 3: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES <br />Bolton & Menk, Inc. win provide the following construction services: project construction observation, <br />construction staking, construction administration, and record drawings. Details of these services are as follows: <br /> <br />
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