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4C, Extend Filing for Lake Johanna Woods
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4C, Extend Filing for Lake Johanna Woods
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Last modified
9/26/2008 2:59:32 PM
Creation date
9/26/2008 2:58:36 PM
4C, Extend Filing for Lake Johanna Woods
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Lake Johanna Woods
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<br />March 13, 2007 <br /> <br />Arlene Boutin <br />1600 Lake Johanna Blvd <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br /> <br />Re: Planning Case #06-039 <br />Final Plat of "Lake Johanna Woods" <br />1600 Lake Johanna Blvd <br /> <br />Dear Ms. Boutin: <br /> <br />At their March 12th, 2007, meeting, the City Council approved your Final Plat of Lake Johanna Woods <br />subject to the following thirteen conditions: <br />1. The applicant shall continue to be subject to all of the conditions for the preliminary plat as <br />approved in Planning Case 06-026. <br />2. The applicant shall conform to all requirements for Final Plats in Chapter 12 of the City Code. <br />3. The plans shall be amended to be in full compliance with the City Engineers memo dated January <br />25, 2007. The revised plans shall be submitted prior to the City signing the Final Plat. <br />4. The applicant shall be responsible for raising the manholes to the final elevation prior to the City <br />signing the Final Plat. <br />5. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee of $12,552 prior to the City signing the Final Plat or <br />on a payment schedule determined by the City Council and subject to City Attorney review. <br />6. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring the viability of the six Colorado spruce trees along <br />the hillside for a period of two years. Should any of the trees die during that time, the applicant <br />shall replace the trees within thirty days or at the beginning of the next growing season as <br />determined by the City Forester. This condition shall remain in place for two years after the Final <br />Plat is filed with Ramsey County. <br />7. No additional trees shall be removed from the forty (40) foot setback area along Siems Court <br />without prior approval from the City Forester and City Planner. If any additional trees are <br />removed from the setback area by manmade forces, the City shall require the replacement of 125 <br />percent of the removed caliper inches of trees. If any additional trees are removed from the <br />setback area by manmade forces, the City shall require the replacement of 100 percent of the <br />removed caliper inches of trees. The removed trees shall be replaced within thirty days of <br />removal or at the beginning of the next growing season as determined by the City Forester. The <br />replacement tree species, size, and planting location shall be subject to City Forester and City <br />Planner approval. This condition shall remain in place for two years after the Final Plat is filed <br />with Ramsey County. <br />8. The applicant may plant trees and other vegetation within the City's drainage and utility easement <br />with prior approval from the City Engineer and City Forester. <br />9. All three lots shall use Lake Johanna Blvd as the official access point to the property. <br />10. The City Attorney shall prepare a development agreement that shall be subject to City Council <br />approval. The development agreement shall be signed by the property owners prior to the City <br />signing the Final Plat. <br />
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