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<br />Plan Implementation Program <br /> <br />Summary of Actio'ns <br /> <br />Short-Term <br /> <br />· Name: Add the supplementary name of Lake Johanna Boulevard to County Road E. <br /> <br />· Zoning: Adjust the text of the B-2 zoning district to match the guidance of the plan, <br />specifically the design guidelines in Chapter 5. ' <br /> <br />· Site Plan Reviews: Use the plan for guidance in site plan or Planned-Unit <br />Development reviews. Consider proposals that would result in the redevelopment of <br />the Arden Plaza office buildings and a more vibrant retail center as long as the <br />resulting traffic is consistent with the assumptions and forecasts for the existing <br />northern driveway as used in the traffic study (Appendix A). <br /> <br />· Funding: Begin to seek funding for improvements to County Road E and the <br />construction of the pedestrian and bicyclist bridge from Ramsey County and other <br />sources. <br /> <br />· Communications: Continuously consult with property owners along County Road E <br />regarding the timing of their redevelopment plans for the purpose of coordinating the <br />construction of a median and traffic signal on County Road E with their changes. <br /> <br />Mid-Term <br /> <br />· Road Improvement Plan: Prepare a more detailed streetscape improvement plan <br />and engineering feasibility study for improvements to County Road E. Prepare a <br />financial plan. Involve the City of Shore view. This step could be moved forward if <br />redevelopment moves faster than anticipated. <br /> <br />· Road Reconstruction: Construct the improvements to County Road E, Pine Tree <br />Drive and potentially part of Lexington A venue. <br /> <br />· Maintenance: Regularly replace seasonal flowers at the entrance monuments and <br />decorative banners to the light poles along Lake Johanna Boulevard and Pine Tree <br />Drive. Maintain the driving surfaces (with Ramsey County). <br /> <br />· Site Redevelopment: Use the plan as guidance when reviewing applications for <br />land redevelopment. Shift the northern access to Arden Plaza west to a new <br />signalized intersection when a second phase of redevelopment occurs. <br /> <br />Longer-Term <br /> <br />· Lexington Avenue: Collaborate with the City of Shoreview on a streetscape <br />improvement plan for Lexington A venue. <br /> <br />· Site Redevelopment: Use the plan as guidance when reviewing applications for <br />land redevelopment. <br /> <br />7 -4 The New lake Johanna Boulevard <br /> <br />7 October <br />