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<br />adjoining properties or public streets" (660.05 of the City Code). Although the intentions of this <br />regulation may be good, hundreds of properties may be out of compliance at any given time. <br />Additionally, gaining continued compliance has proven to be difficult. While tonight's <br />discussion does should not focus on rewording City regulations, this example demonstrates the <br />need to revaluate the benefit and purpose of regulations when widespread compliance is difficult <br />to obtain and taxing on staff time. <br /> <br />Complaint and Enforcement Policv <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hills, along with many other cities, uses a complaint-based approach to code <br />enforcement. This type of program relies on people contacting City Hall with concerns as <br />opposed to City staff actively patrolling for code violations. The complaint-based approach does <br />require residents to get involved by contacting the City with the location of a potential violation, <br />but residents are not expected to supply the City with full details of the potential code violation. <br /> <br />The complaint-based approach does come with a couple of ilnportant caveats. Firstly, the City <br />works to immediately act upon health' or safety violations. For example, if a sign is blocking a <br />traffic site line, the City will remove or relocate it without a complaint. Secondly, if the City <br />receives a complaint but notices that multiple violations of the same type in the area, the City <br />will follow up with a reminder letter and/or informational pamphlet of the regulation. <br /> <br />As part of this process, staff recommends preparing a more formalized complaint and response <br />policy to ensure that violations are treated consistency and fairly. As part of a complaint and <br />response policy, it may also be necessary to set a policy on anonymous complaints and repeat <br />offenders. Anyone submitting a complaint to a city has a right to expect confidentiality. <br />However, a city can set a policy that favors responding to identified complaints before <br />anonymous complaints. It is important to note that even when a person identifies him or herself, <br />that is still considered confidential information. A city cannot unilaterally ignore complaints <br />from outside the city or complaints from people outside a neighborh'ood where the violation has <br />occurred. <br /> <br />Some cities do have a type of active code enforcement program, such as Shoreview' s SHINE <br />program. This type or program typically involves proactively searching for violations in a <br />designated area each year. The designated area is usually rotated to different parts of a city from <br />year to year so that the entire city is inspected of the course of several years. The city also sends <br />out a notice to residents prior to the inspection to encourage compliance before the inspection <br />occurs. Moving to a proactive program would require the City to increase the time devoted to <br />code enforcement, which would involve adding staff. <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Work Sessionfor October 20,2008 <br /> <br />l\Ahdocsl\ahIAHdata\PlanningICommuni(v Development \ Community Livability \ A1em os 1102008 - CC .Memo - Community Li'vability.doc <br /> <br />Page ] 1 of 12 <br />