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<br />elderly and on a fixed income. Rental licensing or registration fees (including inspections <br />etc.) would just be passed on to the resident. <br /> <br />Ms. Hanson talked about the issue of the rising rentals in the Arden Hills Townhomes. <br />She explained that there were no regulations in the bylaws against renting of the homes. <br />Recent issues included fires. <br /> <br />More discussion about problem properties ensued. <br /> <br />Staff indicated that they did speak with Mounds View, Shoreview, and RosevilIe about <br />partnering with a city for a rental licensing program. Smreview indicated that their one <br />person was stretched thin and was not interested at this time. Roseville's program is <br />rental registration. There was some interest from Roseville should that City move to a <br />licensing program. Mounds View did express an interest in partnering, but further <br />discussions on the subject have not yet been pursued. <br /> <br />Mr. Filla explained that nuisance issues involve a small portion of the properties and the <br />owners/residents just don't care. He also explained the difficulties of enforcement of <br />these problem properties. <br /> <br />More discussion revolved around general maintenance issues, such as dripping faucets. <br />Some felt a rental licensing program would help to maintain these problem properties. It <br />was explained that the City currently has a property maintenance code that addresses <br />these issues. It was also explained that there are many groups that can help out renters <br />regarding maintenance issues such as the renters association. <br /> <br />In addition, many of the items in the list and from the discussion were not limited to just <br />rental properties. Traditional single family homes have the potential for the same issues <br />and often do. Does a rental licensing or registration program fix the problem? It may <br />alleviate some of the issues but not all. The City can address many of the issues through <br />existing mechanisms such as code enforcement and planning/zoning <br /> <br />Discussion also included vacant and foreclosed properties and the difficulties in dealing <br />with them, mostly contacting a responsible party to do the upkeep. It was also discussed <br />that vacant and other ~'problem" properties may not always be rental properties, but <br />owner-occupied as well. <br /> <br />Ms. Aplikowski stated that the City may be able to help residents by providing or hosting <br />a seminar on foreclosure and other housing related issues. <br /> <br />The issue of financing a rental licensing program was discussed and generally agreed that <br />the program cost would not be covered by fees. Discussion also included what penalties <br />would be applied for non compliance. <br /> <br />Mr. Simon summed up the discussion For the next meeting, staff will present contact the <br />Sheriffs office and see if they can attend the next meeting to talk about their response to <br /> <br />2 <br />