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<br />5/22/2009 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />The City Council also asked whether the existence of a standalone pathway bridge would negate <br />Mn/DOT's requirement to accommodate pedestrians on a future bridge at County Road E. <br />Mn/DOT's response to this question was that they still would accommodate pedestrians, even if a <br />separate pathway bridge existed to the north of the County Road E bridge. <br /> <br />Council also asked if a variance could be requested for the 5' sidewalk on the existing bridge <br />(Alternative I) from Mn/DOT so that State Aid funds could be used. Attached is a justification <br />checklist for the variance process as well as language from the State Rules regarding the variance <br />process. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS <br />The City Council approved the 2009 Budget to include the County Road E Bridge Improvements <br />Project. At that time, the project was estimated to be $450,000, with $50,000 to be funded by State <br />Aid dollars, and $400,000 to come from grant revenue. However, each of the alternatives would <br />have different funding sources. Alternative I may be eligible for State Aid funds if a variance is <br />granted. If a variance is not granted, the City would need to allocate local funds to this project. <br /> <br />If the City proceeds with Alternative 2, this project would be eligible for federal funding. The City, <br />with the consultant's assistance, plans to submit the project for federal funding. If funding is <br />obtained fhrough this process, funds would be available for construction in federal fiscal years 2013 <br />and 2014. The federal funding requires a 20% local match; engineering fees are not an eligible cost. <br />This project would be eligible for State Aid funds for the local match, as well as for engineering, up <br />to 25% of construction costs. Ifthe City Council chose not to allocate State Aid fund to this project, <br />then an alternative funding source would need to be identified for the local match and all engineering <br />fees. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br />At this time, staff recommends contracting with Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. to work with the <br />City on the County Road E Pedestrian Improvement Project. Since a decision has not been made on <br />an alternative, staff recommends approving a contract for Alternative 2, as this alternative includes <br />the application for federal funding. If the City decides to move forward with Alternative I, the <br />contract can be amended to a reduced amotlllt. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION <br />Authorize staff to contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services for <br />the County Road E Pedestrian Improvement Project in an amount not to exceed $78,555. <br />