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<br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />Kimley.Horn <br />and Associates, Inc. <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Kristine Gigo, P.E., May t9, 2009, P. 2 <br /> <br />Mn/DOTand will be within Mn/DOT right-of-way. We assume that the City would not <br />need to acquire property for the bridge. The bridge would be a single-span <br />prefabricated truss structure, with a total span length sHuilar to the existing County <br />Road E Bridge. New It'ail segments would be constructed from Connelly Avenue to the <br />east end of the bridge and from the west end. to the County Road E shoulder, near <br />Hamline Avenue. Topographic survey will bel'equired along the full length of the <br />project, generally from Connelly A venue to f1amline Avenue. <br /> <br />We understand the City would like to apply for federal funds through the <br />Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program iIthe seeondalternative isseleeted. <br />Beeause this project would fill a critical gap in the overall bicyc1eand pedestrian <br />systein thereby providing additional access and mobility to the region's residents, the <br />City should consider applyil1gfor Surface Transportatiol1Program (STP) funding under <br />the bikewaylwalkway category in lieu of applyingfor TEProgram funds. There is <br />$105 million in funding available forSTP, which is significantly more than the $19 <br />million a\iailablethrough theTE Program. We understand the City has already <br />requested a letter of support from MnIDOT. We suggest that the City also request a <br />letter of support from Ramsey County asthis will further strengthen the application. <br /> <br />The City needs an engineering consultantthat is tamiliarwithMnlDOT requirements <br />and knows MnlDOT bridge staff. Having a eonsultantol1 board that can collaborate <br />with the City and MnlDOT will lead to a suceessfulprojeet. Regardless of which <br />alternative the City chooses, Kimley-Horn call provide the knowledge and experience to <br />deliver a successful project. <br /> <br />Scope of Work <br /> <br />We have prepared two separate work plans, as outlined as follows, for cach of the two <br />bridge alternatives. The following is a summary ofthe proposed scope of work based <br />on our understanding.ofthe two distinctbridge alternatives. <br /> <br />Alternative 1: Existing Bridge Modification <br /> <br />Task 1,1: Project Management and Coordination <br />This task consists of management and administration of the eontract, as well as coordi- <br />nation and communication with City staff. We will attend up to two (2) meetings with <br />City and/or Mn/DOT staff during the project and provide weekly e.mail updates <br />regarding the project schedule and status. <br /> <br />Task 1.2:PreliIninary Engineel'ingServiees <br />We will conduct field reviews of the site to evaluate existing conditions. We will <br />provide preliminary bridge modification plans to be reviewed by the City, Ramsey <br />County, and MnlDOT. One concept for preliminary engineering will be developed for <br />review, based upon th<: conc<:pt set forthin the City of Arden Hills Memorandum dated <br />May 12,2009. No topographic survey will be.required. We will measure existing and <br />future lane widths based upon the existing bridge parapets. <br />