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Attorney, the City cannot require land dedication for a County Road since the impact <br />described by the County is not entirely related to this particular proposal. Furthermore, this <br />intersection improvement is not part of the County's transportation improvement plan, which <br />is also necessary to require a land dedication. However, the applicant has adjusted their <br />plans to accommodate this future right-of-way need. A minor alteration may be needed for <br />the retaining wall, but the proposed landscaping and gateway sign would not be impacted by <br />an expanded turning lane and potentially relocated sidewalk. If and when this right-of-way is <br />needed, it would have to be purchased from the property owner. <br />Findings of Fact: <br />This project includes four requests: the Master PUD, the Final PUD for Phase I, the Preliminary <br />Plat, and the Final Plat. Phase I includes the proposed Walgreen's building and the complete <br />landscaping, signage, drainage, utility, and other plans for the entire site (Initial Phase <br />Development Plan in appendix E). When a Final PUD is submitted for Phases I and II, <br />comments related to those buildings will be addressed at that time. <br />Staff offers the following eleven findings of fact for this proposal: <br />1. The applicant is requesting approval of a Master PUD, Final PUD for Phase I and a <br />Preliminary and Final Plat for the Arden Plaza property. <br />2. The PUD process allows for flexibility within the City's regulations through a negotiated <br />process with a developer. <br />3. The Arden Plaza property is located in the B2 General Business District. <br />4. The proposed redevelopment is a permitted use in the B2 District. <br />5. The City has adopted the Guiding Plan for the B2 District that outlines future <br />development principals for the area. <br />6. The City has adopted design standards for the B2 district within the Zoning Code. <br />7. The Master PUD and Final PUD for Phase I are in substantial conformance with the <br />requirements of the City's Zoning Code and design standards. <br />8. The Master PUD and Final PUD for Phase I are in substantial conformance with the <br />Guiding Plan for the B2 District. <br />9. The Master PUD and Final PUD for Phase I are in substantial conformance with the <br />City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />10. Where the plan is not in conformance with the City's Zoning Code, flexibility has been <br />requested by the applicant and/or conditions have been placed on an approval that would <br />mitigate the nonconformity. <br />11. The application is not anticipated to create a negative impact on the immediate area or the <br />community as a whole. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for June 3, 2009 <br />IlMetro-inet.uslardenhillsOanninglPlanning Cases 12009109-011 Arden Plaza PUD and Plat (pending)1060309 - PCReport -Arden Plaza - <br />Master PUD.doc Page 14 of 17 <br />