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• The retail area fronting this gathering area has been provided with additional <br />parking to make restaurant uses possible. <br />• Parking lot access has been removed from the queuing lanes exiting to County <br />Road E. <br />Although the parking along Lexington Avenue still remains, the effect of this parking is <br />minimized by the grade differential at Lexington, and the grade at the intersection. The <br />location of the Arden Hills sign will also reduce the visual impact of any parking at this <br />location. <br />We also believe that the current proposal complies in material respects with the following <br />specific Guideline Sections of the Guiding Plan: <br />4-1: Land Use and Public Improvements: <br />1) Place: The "Main Street" created in the entry to the project creates a sense of <br />place, along with other areas of the project that are friendly to pedestrians, <br />bicyclists, and visitors. <br />2) Land use: Retail use is specifically identified for the Arden Plaza site <br />3) Intensity and Scale: National pharmacies such as Walgreens typically build free- <br />standing stores, and in this case there will be other retail buildings with additional <br />storefronts to create more building along County Road E. <br />4) Local: Arden Plaza is a local district that serves the needs of residents. By <br />adding a pharmacy with some additional retail uses, the entire center will be <br />enhanced as a local asset for goods and services. <br />5) Quality: The intention is to build a quality project. The buildings will be of high- <br />quality materials, and design. <br />6) Civic: A gathering place has been added to the second retail component. This <br />has a strong connection to County Road E. The goal is to combine this space with <br />a food component to create a useable gathering space. The space in its location is <br />visible to the street promoting the sense of community, and will have access to <br />natural sunlight through most of the day in the useable time of the year. <br />7) Movement: Pedestrian enhancements have been added by creating sidewalk <br />connections to the Walgreen's and retail space, and to the interior of the site. <br />These sidewalks will link to and become areas to gather and socialize. The <br />proposed plan also addresses site safety for vehicular traffic into and around <br />entrances, and drive-through areas. <br />8) Green: Green space has been provided at the intersection of Lexington, and an <br />additional area at the Country Road E entrance to Arden Plaza. Both of these <br />areas will enhance the Boulevard concept for County Road E <br />9) Role of the City: The developer indicates willingness to work with the city to <br />create the most appropriate signage and identification at the intersection of <br />County Road E and Lexington. <br />10) Continuity: The proposal supports the principles of the Guide plan. <br />E <br />