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6. Franchise architecture identified with a particular chain shall be discouraged <br />unless it is architecturally integrated into the district and conforms to these design <br />standards. <br />This requirement is met by the proposed application. While Walgreen's is a <br />national pharmacy chain, Building 1 could feasibly be used for any number of <br />retail users, and does not include many of the signature architecture of the <br />franchise. <br />7. Entrances shall have convenient access to the street frontage and to parking <br />serving the use. For those properties along County Road E, access to the street <br />frontage shall be given priority where feasible. <br />This requirement is met by the proposed application. The entrance to Building 1 <br />has been oriented towards County Road E. Direct vehicular access is not <br />feasible, but is available off County Road E at the retail centers primary entrance. <br />Pedestrian access off County Road E has been provided immediately adjacent to <br />the primary entrance of the building. The applicants were willing to provide <br />pedestrian access from the corner of County Road E and Lexington Avenue <br />behind the monument sign; however, Staff recommended that the access location <br />be moved west to correspond with the entrance to Building 1 in order to minimize <br />pedestrian -vehicle conflict points and improve safety. <br />C. Commercial Fagade Transparency — Flexibility Requested <br />1. Fifty percent (50%) of the first level facade that includes the primary store <br />entrance and/or faces a public street shall be made of transparent windows and <br />doors that are recessed at least one inch rather than being flush with the facade. If <br />the building is a one story design and the first floor elevation exceeds twelve (12) <br />feet, then only the first twelve (12) feet shall be included in calculating the facade <br />area. <br />The East facade is 2,284 square feet. The transparent window/door area is 707 <br />square feet, with an additional 231 square feet of spandrel glass. The Code <br />requires 1,142 square feet. <br />The North facade is 1308 square feet. The transparent window/door area is 325 <br />squaYe feet, with an additional 154 square feet of spandrel glass. The Code <br />requires 654 square feet. <br />2. At least twenty percent (20%) of the remaining sides that are reasonably visible to <br />the public shall be window coverage, half of which may be simulated windows <br />(i.e. spandrel glass). If additional transparent glass is used on the remaining sides, <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for June 3, 2009 <br />Section 1325.05 Subd. 8 — Additional Design Standards in the B2 and B3 Districts <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />