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from Lexington Avenue. Plantings and retaining walls are provided along County <br />Road E to soften the parking lot and screen theparking lot from view of the road. <br />5. Parking lot islands shall be used to distribute large parking fields into separate <br />"outdoor" rooms that have visual relationship to the buildings they serve. Parking <br />lot islands shall be planted with trees or include infiltration basins and plantings. <br />Entry drives shall be defined by trees and shrubs. <br />This requirement is met by the proposed application. <br />6. A concrete curb shall be provided around the periphery of all parking lots and <br />access roads, except where the City Engineer determines that a curb would <br />impede drainage. <br />This requirement is met by the proposed application. <br />7 Parking adjacent to streets should be screened from views with landscaping, <br />including but not limited to trees, hedges, flowers and other bushes and/or <br />decorative masonry walls. Berms shall be discouraged. <br />This requirement is met by the proposed application. A significant amount of <br />landscaping is concentrated along County Road E and at the corner near <br />Lexington Avenue to screen the parking lot from view. Due to the steep grade at <br />that corner the parking lot will largely be screened ,from Lexington Avenue. No <br />berms are being used to accomplish this. <br />8. Parking structures that . are visible from off the site shall display an integration of <br />building materials building form, textures, architectural motif, and building colors <br />with the principal building. No signs other than directional signs shall be <br />permitted on parking ramp facades. <br />This requirement does not apply. <br />K. Traffic Study. A traffic study shall be required for all new developments, <br />redevelopments, and significant modifications to existing sites unless waived by the <br />City Council. <br />This requirement is met by the proposed application. See the traffic study and <br />transportation section of the June 3, 2009, planning case report to the Planning <br />Commission for a full analysis of this i%rra. <br />L. Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be provided for the safety and convenience of <br />occupants and visitors. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission lVeeting for June. 3, 2009 <br />Section 1325.05 Subd. 6 Additional De: ign Standards in the B2 and B3 Districts <br />Page 3 of .11 <br />