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<br />4. The equipment building or cabinet shall be screened from <br />view of adjacent properties by suitable vegetation, except <br />where non-vegetative screening (e.g., a decorative wall or <br />fencing) better reflects and complements the character of the <br />neighborhood. <br /> <br />~ The City shall require a suitable financial surety to ensure <br />future removal of the equipment building or cabinet upon <br />termination of the lease. <br />5. <br /> <br /> <br />Subd.9 <br /> <br />A. Doclunentatio.n Required. Installation and operation of an <br />antenna, dish. antenl1U or to'(;/6r shall be l)ermitted onl)1' aft6r <br />applicatiol1 has been .made and appro~/al has been granted as <br />defh1ed in. Section. 1355.04 S.ubd 3 for a C~onditionallJse l)enllit. <br />IO.I'h.e foll(y\ving doc"uments shall be submitted v"/ith tIle appli cation: i-\. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />A.Site Plan. ]~he follo"\vin.g infoIT11ation 011 the ~;.ubject property ~1ho\:vn: <br /> <br />1. /\ plotplu1.1. dru\vn to scale. <br /> <br />2. Site and building dilnensions. <br /> <br />3, Locatiol) ofbuildi1lgs on tIle site al1d 011 adjoining ~;ites '(,vithi1l 011e (100) feet. <br /> <br />4. I..Joca.tion. of site in11)rOVemetlts, including dt1.ves, l) lots or, land~1cape <br />areas and allY other site featllfes that y/ill ai<:i tIle (~ity in e\'alllating the application. <br />