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<br />5. I.location. an.d h.eigh.t of proposed antsil11a, di~~h antenna or to~~'/er. <br /> <br />6. E.Itrvation (lra\~/illg ofl)fOposed antenna, dish antenna or to\Vef. <br /> <br />B.Site Ele"fiution Dra~~T/il1gs arId/or Site Section Drav.~Til1gS. Dra\\Til1gs shall be proT/ided <br />that sho\v h.o~vv the soreening ~yT.{ill effeoti~/el)T be aocomplished as defined in the aboT~"c <br />S.ubd 6. Site lin.os sh.ould be illllstrated l)oth. in plan and section ~;hoT~\"ing .vertical and <br />horizontal relutiol1s11ips to neighboring propertie~;. <br /> <br />C.i\.ll (lpplical1t~1 for th.6 City's .\vuter to"\"vers must include a <br />signed re!)o11 from a State registered engilleer sho\ving <br />com.pliun.ce .v~vith. all applicable codes, standards an.d stTuctural <br />requ.ireI11cn.ts of 110~,;V th.e ad.d.itiol1ul alltennas ';J"y"ill afl~ct the <br />\vater to";ver struoture. .L\ fillal inspection report from a State <br />registered engineer Shll\l/in.g the .v,;vor.k completed i~; in <br />compliarlce Tl/itll pre\"iousl)7 approTled plans s11all ulGO be <br />req.uired. <br /> <br />D.f~ building permit shall be required for all applicatiolls except those as stated ill Section <br />1325.09 1. .i\.. <br />