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<br />Commissioner Holewa confirmed that if a new structure would need to be built <br />the requirement would be that they would have to leave space for another user. <br />He thought that there may be a difference in cost if space for another user would <br />be required. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stodola questioned if the Bethel tower would then not conform to <br />the requirements. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman advised that the Bethel property is unique in that it is so <br />large and would be hard to determine the primary building. She stated that the <br />tower would actually conform to the new regulations. <br /> <br />Commissioner Holewa questioned how a traditional television antenna would be <br />measured, as the measurements would not be the same as dish antennae. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman advised that type of antennae would be measured the same <br />as any other antennae and would not be exempt. <br /> <br />Chair Larson questioned if those types of antennas would be allowed. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman advised that they are not currently regulated. <br /> <br />Commissioner Holewa thought that type of antennae should be exempt. <br /> <br />Chair Larson thought that a statement should be added to address a roof mounted <br />television antennae and ham radio antennae. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman questioned if a statement should be added to state that <br />type of television antennae should be exempt, as it would be for their own <br />personal television reception, for reception only and not transmission. <br /> <br />Chad Nolan stated that standard home antennae would only receive and would not <br />transmit a signal out. <br /> <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. <br /> <br />Chair Larson invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and <br />make comment. <br /> <br />Richard Gonzalez, property owner on Lake Johanna, stated that he was a ham <br />radio operator and was concerned that non-commercial antennae were not <br />included in the regulations. He asked for further clarification. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman stated that her interpretation of the reading did not <br />specifically address non-commercial antennas. She stated that they would not be <br />exempt unless they met the requirements discussed. She advised that the <br />