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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JiJLY 15, 2009 11 <br /> Mr. Legare stated at this point the Army-GSA would not be turning the site into <br /> parkland. He indicated the property would be sold in an "as is" condition and that <br /> the Buyer would have to work with the City on the development of the site. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned how the direction of this project could <br /> change, and if the Army-GSA would consider the site for park land. <br /> Mr. Legare explained that until such time as there was special legislation <br /> regarding the park land use, the Army-GSA would continue on their current path of <br /> a public auction. He indicated the park land would require special legislation and <br /> that if they were told by the legislators to shift the scope of this project they would. <br /> Mayor Harpstead encouraged the Council to think through follow up questions <br /> and that one staff member be selected to channel all information for the City. <br /> Councilmember Holden suggested Community Development Director Lehnhoff <br /> be the point person for this project. The Council agreed. <br /> Mr. Legare stated he would remain the main contact for the GSA and that he <br /> would be available via phone for future meetings. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned what would need to take place before the bidders' <br /> conference. <br /> Mr. Legare stated he would be speaking with the City every other week or so <br /> leading up to the conference, beginning in August, to begin formulating and <br /> gathering all the information necessary for this process. He explained that the GSA <br /> would be finishing the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) review <br /> shortly, along with the State Historic Preservation Office review. He stated the <br /> CDR would be completed after the holidays. <br /> Mr. Legare questioned if all the information from RRLD would be purged from <br /> the City's website. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated this would be removed and <br /> that the new vision for the TCAAP site would be put on the website. The previous <br /> planning information would be moved into an archived folder on the website. <br />