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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 15, 2009 12 <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned how the CDR could be completed when it <br /> was uncertain what each potential bidder may want to put on the property. <br /> Mr. Legare stated this was a requirement that sets aside the covenant on the <br /> FOSET properties. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if there were any historical registry sites on the property. <br /> Mr. Legare indicated there was an archaeological site on the Rice Creek property, <br /> which is now owned by Ramsey County. <br /> Mr. Legare asked if TIF would or would not apply to the property. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained that this would be a Council decision and that a vote <br /> has not taken place to date. He described the recent special TIF legislation for <br /> TCAAP approved by the Governor and Legislature, but he noted that the special <br /> TIF legislation was not in effect at this time. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated if the Council was to vote down the State <br /> legislation, those special requests would not be available to the property. However, <br /> the regular TIF rules would apply. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested Community Development Director Lehnhoff be in <br /> contact with Mike Fix and Kevin Legare to understand the way all the public <br /> information on the website was being presented and available to the public. He <br /> stated this would increasingly build a bridge between the City and the GSA. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned if the website used for this information would <br /> be secure for just the City and GSA or how the public would have access. <br /> Mr. Legare indicated the public would access this site after entering a password. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if the City would have access to this website before it <br /> was to go live. <br /> Mr. Legare stated this would be possible to allow the City to share information on <br /> the property. <br /> Scott Quick, a member from the audience, questioned if the monitoring wells <br /> could be engineered so that the monitor point could be accessed at grade instead of <br />