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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL TCAAP WORK SESSION-AUGUST 10, 2009 10 <br /> Mayor Harpstead commented on the email forwarded from Kevin Legare. He <br /> asked if staff had held any conference calls with the GSA. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated no conference calls had been held to date, and <br /> asked who the City representatives should be on the conference calls. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated only two Councilmembers could be present at a <br /> conference call stating he would be available by phone during the day. <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated that he would be interested in being a part of <br /> these calls. <br /> It was discussed that each Councilmember could listen in on these meetings, if so <br /> desired, as they would not be decision making. The meetings would be posted and <br /> open to the public. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if contact had been made with MnDOT regarding <br /> the traffic concerns. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she had not made contact but that Community <br /> Development Director Lehnhoff could make the call. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if any other items needed to be addressed in a timely <br /> manner. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she was concerned with the public sale of the land <br /> and if the City would have all of their information gathered in time. She <br /> questioned if the City could require a certain amount of park land in a residential <br /> area if sold through public auction. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated this was defined through the <br /> city's park dedication requirement. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated he would like to see the City avoid a delay on <br /> the public sale due to the City not moving forward fast enough on the information <br /> gathering process, as this would appear the City was stalling while pursing the <br /> parks and open space. He encouraged staff to work in tandem on both options. <br /> The Council reviewed the steps that needed to take place and assigned tasks within <br /> the work list to staff accordingly. <br />