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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL TCAAP WORK SESSION-AUGUST 10, 2009 9 <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if the City was looking for grant opportunities to assist in <br /> paying for Mike Comodeca. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated this agenda item should be moved to H and I <br /> and was not a subset under Mike Comodeca. He indicated that the City was - <br /> pursuing grant opportunities to fund the planning activities for the parks and open <br /> space use, as well as addressing the land use and zoning options for the site under <br /> each scenario. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she got a call back from the McKnight foundation <br /> stating they were considering our request for a planning grant. She noted that the <br /> TCAAP site was categorized as one of the Twin City metro areas treasures through <br /> the Embrace Open Space. <br /> Mayor Harpstead reviewed the goals of the McKnight Foundation with the <br /> Council stating their number one priority at this time, given the economic climate <br /> was to poverty initiatives and education. <br /> Councilmember Holmes responded that the McKnight Foundation's priorities also <br /> included protecting and restoring open space. She also suggested staff look at the <br /> legacy heritage information when pursuing planning grants. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked how Item I would proceed. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated the City had current guiding land use plans for <br /> the TCAAP site within its 2030 Comprehensive Plan. He noted it could remain as <br /> is or be amended for the parks and open space option. <br /> City Administrator Moorse explained the Council would need to act on this <br /> quickly if the GSA's public land sale were to continue, as the City would want <br /> something in place by the time the land was to be transferred. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested staff begin working on a plan for the site, along with <br /> a timeline or schedule and report back to Council. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would be in favor of the Council discussing <br /> the land use at a work session level before opening up this item up for public <br /> comment. <br />