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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> April 21, 2009 <br /> Page 4of8 <br /> Ms. Olson asked for comments from the PTRC on the bike lane versus an off-road path. She <br /> stated both have pros and cons for this area while mixing with traffic and pedestrians. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated the County was open to the idea of paving the additional shoulder to provide <br /> a bike lane and could do this within their regular maintenance plan. However, there is no <br /> scheduled maintenance identified for this road. Chair Peck felt this was a great solution and <br /> would save the City a great deal of money. <br /> Chair Peck questioned if additional plans would come before the PTRC on this roadway. Ms. <br /> Olson stated that if the widening of the shoulders took place with a County maintenance project, <br /> it could be ten or more years before that takes place. However, it is possible that the County <br /> would be able to cost share for this project. <br /> Chair Peck indicated the underpass of the bridge caused much concern for bikers and was <br /> extremely dangerous at this time. Ms. Hilgers stated she would be in favor of a bike lane with <br /> extended shoulders. The Committee was in agreement to recommend extending the shoulders <br /> for a bike lane on both sides of the roadway. Chair Peck felt this was a wise and safe alternative <br /> to the off road bike path. <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Hilgers motioned to recommend that Council, in order to <br /> increase safety, consider the possibility of constructing pedestrian improvements <br /> on both the east and west sides of the CP Rail bridge on Old Snelling and research <br /> the possibility with Ramsey County of paving/widening the roadway shoulders to <br /> provide a bike lane on both the east and west side in the most cost effective <br /> manner, seconded by Committee Member Garretson. The motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> C. Park Capital Improvement Program(CIP) Discussion <br /> Ms. Olson indicated the Council held a work session to review the CIP. She reviewed how the <br /> PTRC items were shifted around explaining that the City trail signage received $15,000 for 2009 <br /> and $10,000 for 2010. <br /> Ms. Olson noted that the Lexington Avenue Trail was being worked on by the Community <br /> Development Director and herself. At this time it was in the budget with hopes of finding 50% <br /> of the expenses covered by the neighboring businesses. Chair Peck suggested this be presented <br /> as an opportunity to increase their sales. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding a trail on County Road F and if a partnership could be worked out <br /> between the businesses and the City. Ms. Olson indicated that this segment became a lower <br /> priority due to the uncertainty of the Hamline/694 interchange future. <br /> Ms. Olson reported that West Round Lake Trail is in poor condition at this time with weeds and <br /> tree roots. She indicated there is a .46 mile gap in the trail due to the inability to negotiate an <br />