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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> April 21, 2009 <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br /> easement with Scholl Co. Deluxe Corporation bought out Scholl's and therefore, Ms. Olson <br /> stated she would be contacting them to pursue an easement and once she has more information, <br /> will report back to the Committee. <br /> Mr. Messerly questioned if a trail was being designed from Old Highway 10 through the pasture. <br /> Ms. Olson stated the City did have a portion of land near the townhomes on Park Shore Drive <br /> stating the only concern was Vaughn owns the property and would require an easement. <br /> Ms. Olson reported that the City of New Brighton has a parks subcommittee and asked if the <br /> PTRC would like to have a joint meeting in the next few months to talk about the connections to <br /> Long Lake and the Elmer L. Andersen extensions. The Committee was in favor of this meeting. <br /> D. Project Updates <br /> 1. Safe Routes to School <br /> Ms. Olson explained the City had $180,000 overage on this project, which led to some creative <br /> solutions being designed for the culvert. She indicated the Council suggested applying for an <br /> ARRA grant,which was stimulus money to be used for transportation improvements. Ms. Olson <br /> stated there was a time table for these funds and lump it together with the Perry Park Trail. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated that this project had to be combined into one project within the application. <br /> She applied for the grant with the assistance from the City Engineer and Community <br /> Development Director. Ms. Olson explained that there was $7.5 million available for funding <br /> and that the City's project was named Elmer L. Anderson Trail Connections to show that it was <br /> part of a larger trail network. <br /> Ms. Olson stated that on Aprilpp projects 3 0th the to 'ects would be announced which would then move <br /> forward for further approval with a final decision beingmade b Met Council on May 20th. She <br /> Y Y <br /> explained the City requested approximately $288,000 for the combined project and that she felt <br /> very strongly about this initiative. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated that if they do not received funding through ARRA, the Safe Routes to <br /> School Project would be brought back to the Council for further discussion on options. <br /> 2. DNR Perry Park Trail <br /> Ms. Olson discussed this item along with the Safe Routes to School. <br /> 3. County Road E Bridge <br /> Ms. Olson explained that the Council had hoped to apply for the ARRA grant (economic <br /> stimulus) for the County Road E Bridge. However,MnDOT has several varying concepts for the <br /> bridge, which meant it could not proceed at this time and has become a very complicated issue. <br />