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4H, Award 2010 PMP Project to WSB
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4H, Award 2010 PMP Project to WSB
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Last modified
10/24/2024 9:48:43 AM
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10/13/2009 8:56:42 AM
Award 2010 PMP Project to WSB
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Award 2010 PMP Project to WSB
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Iocat�ons the cross sectional da�a should ex�end to �he garage ar driveway terrn�n�. <br />Includec� in the cross sectiona� c�ata shauld be ex�sting street centerline? roadway edg�s <br />(tap and bottom bituminous eurb shots}, top and bottom of retaining walls and every <br />change in grade of the cross section. Enough shots must be taken to provide an accurate <br />and complete TIN. <br />4. TOPaGRAPI-�IC F�AT�JRES <br />Provic�e shot data �or al� topographic features including but not limited to trees, treeltne� <br />mailboxes, driveway edges, landscape ecIges, private �nd public utility �ocations, house <br />corr�ers adj�cent to street reconstruc�ion, roadway edges, street signs, praperty carners, <br />�ight pales, flag pales, anc� retain�ng walls. Locate and p�-ovide shot data for all property <br />corners adjacent to th� street canstruction. Provide g�tter shot da�a far the cuI de sacs. <br />5. BASE MAP�'ING <br />Utilizing CAD software that is compatible with the latest versior� af AutoCAD, create the <br />base map for �he projeet. The base map s�ou�d be created to show a}I topographic <br />features fram the �e�d data. Create a TIN model for the project area and create an <br />AutoCAD layer for contaurs. The Cansult�nt may use their standard linetypes and <br />symbols. Upon comp�etion of the project, electron�c fi�es sha11 be prQvided to the City, <br />along with plot fIes or other support�ng data. <br />II. Feasibility Report/Preliminat-y Desi�n <br />The Consultant shall provide prelir�nary engineering services for the proposed project, inc�uding �ield <br />rev�ews of the projec� site as necessary and pr�paration af presentatton graphies and ex�ibits for public <br />info�mation �neetings. T�he Co�su�tant sha�l pre�are a feasibility repor� cor�taining the project description, <br />background information, engineer's estimate, recommendations, approximate timeline, and the Min�esota <br />429 process �or assessments. The repart should provtde the a�proxima�e �roject eost and the estimated <br />assessments. It is expeEted that p�ans for the project are at 30% development with the completion of the <br />feasil�ility report. A preliminary storm water design should also be included in t�e report. <br />Following the presentation to City Council and subsequent public hearing, the City Cauncil may deeide <br />not to move forward with the pro�ect. If that is the case, cansultant work pertaining to final des�gn and <br />constructior� ser�ices would not be needed. <br />III. Final Desi�n <br />If �he �roject is ordered for construct�on by the City �ouncli, the Consultant wiI] prepare fina� plans ar�d <br />speci�cations. Arden Hi�1s City staff v�ill prav�de utiI�ty information as needed fo�- the project. Final <br />plans and specifications will be prepa�-ed to City standards. <br />Plans should include: <br />• Tit�e Sheet <br />• Quantity Sheet <br />� Details <br />• Storm Sewer Sheets <br />• Sanitar}� Sewer � Watermain Sheets <br />• Plan / Profiie Sheets <br />• Cross Section Sheets (cross sections every 50 feet and at driveways and intersections) <br />60%-completed, 90%-completed and final plans and speci�cations v�ill be submitted ta City staff for <br />review and comment. Consultant sha11 also work with private utilities to coordinate any work that they <br />�c�entify in the project area. <br />� <br />
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