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A. Planning Case 09-018; Conditional Use Permit Amendment; 1901 Lake <br />Valentine Road; First Student; - Public Hearing (continued) <br />a better understanding of the buses. He asked what schools this site <br />handles. <br />Mr. Pearson stated that they currently handle the schools in Mounds <br />View, about half of the schools in Columbia Heights and about 20 <br />routes in Minneapolis. <br />Commissioner Reiff asked if there was going to be enough room on <br />the property to accommodate the number of buses being requested and <br />employee vehicles. <br />Mr. Pearson stated that they would be able to work within the CUP. <br />Mr. Gerry Garski, 1795 Lake Valentine Road, Arden Hills, asked if <br />First Student owned all the property outlined in the proposal. <br />Mr. Pearson stated that First Student leases property from the land <br />owner but they do not lease all the property outlined in the proposal. <br />Mr. Garski stated that the property near the lake is full of liter and he <br />requested that the property owners be notified and asked to clean this <br />UP. <br />Mr. Shawn Regan, SOR Real Estate, LLC, stated that they want to <br />work with the residents and First Student in an effort to resolve any <br />issues that may arise. He also stated that they would be sure to pick <br />up the trash that has accumulated by the lake. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if moving forward the expectations of <br />the CUP would be in front of the right people so that it does not get <br />lost in the shuffle. <br />Mr. Regan stated that they would follow through with this. <br />Mr. Pearson clarified that the four items that First Student has agreed <br />to do for the City are: clean up the litter by the lake and keep this area <br />clean, set up a driver protocol and procedure outlining how drivers <br />