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A. Planning Case 09-018; Conditional Use Permit Amendment; 1901 Lake <br />Valentine Road; First Student; - Public Hearing (continued) <br />should drive in residential areas and submit this to the City, look at <br />reconfiguring the parking lot, and setting up an annual meeting with <br />the residents. <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if the residents have a point of <br />contact at First Student. <br />Mr. Pearson stated that he would be sure this information is provided <br />to the residents and updated annually. <br />Chair Thompson closed the public hearing at 7:19 p.m. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked why there were two different addresses <br />for the property. <br />City Planner Beekman stated that the street was renamed by the City. <br />Commissioner Holewa moved, seconded by Commissioner Reiff to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 09-018; Conditional Use <br />Permit; 1901 Lake Valentine Road based of the findings of fact, <br />subiect to the five conditions, which effectively mitigate any <br />significant impacts of the facility, as presented in staffs October <br />7, 2009 report. <br />Commissioner Modesette asked if the additional items volunteered by <br />the applicant should be added as conditions. <br />Chair Thompson stated that these items were part of good business <br />practice but they should not be set up as conditions for approval. <br />Commissioner Reiff agreed with Chair Thompson that the items <br />volunteered by the applicant should not be set up as conditions. <br />The motion carried unanimously (5-0) <br />