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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 20, 2009 ll <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned how the fire board was able to make decisions <br /> that greatly affected one community more than others, such as the fire department <br /> responding to all car accidents. She stated this placed a greater burden on the City <br /> of Arden Hills due to the major freeways within the City and drove up the costs. <br /> Fire Chief Adair explained this decision was not taken lightly and that accidents <br /> with injuries added about $2,500 to the operational costs. He indicated that the <br /> formula for responses shifted by less than 1/2 of a percent. <br /> Councilmember McClung questioned what would happen to Fire Station #1 if <br /> there was no longer a need for this site. <br /> Fire Chief Adair stated the land would be sold and that these proceeds could assist <br /> with paying for the implementation schedule as the Lake Johanna Fire Department <br /> owns the property. He indicated that he would be speaking with the City further to <br /> see how the property could be subdivided and what the land was zoned for before <br /> proceeding. <br /> Councilmember Grant felt that the increase in public safety was well worth the <br /> suggested changes to the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Department. However, he <br /> asked for more information on the impact it will have in costs to the cities <br /> involved. <br /> Councilmember McClung agreed stating the numbers were just not clear enough <br /> for the City to understand the context and narrative of this staffing concept. <br /> Fire Chief Adair noted that there would not be any cost savings to the cities until <br /> 2015 when the duty crew would be 24/7 and Fire Station #1 was closed down. <br /> Savings prior to that would not be seen unless the plan was accelerated. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the fire budget with the proposed changes and the <br /> total costs over the next several years. <br /> Councilmember McClung noted the current numbers were hard to review without <br /> additional information. He stated that he was not ready to make policy decisions <br /> based on the information provided. It was suggested that the information be pulled <br /> together into a saleable package that everyone understands to assist in weighing the <br /> options. <br />