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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 209 2009 10 <br /> the same level of service for the City and would be responsible for responding to X <br /> amount of working shifts each month. He explained that only the full time staff <br /> working Monday through Friday would require benefits. <br /> Fire Chief Adair noted that this staffing model was becoming a trend nation wide <br /> to forego the need for 24 hour full time staffing. He explained this model enabled <br /> great cost savings, assured responses, and improved recruitment. It would greatly <br /> improve the service provided to the City and would be viable into the future. <br /> Mayor Harpstead reported that the fire department discussed running only two <br /> fire stations with the duty crews if located in ideal locations throughout the City. <br /> He noted this would allow the City to avoid replacing Station #1 if the duty crew <br /> were faster on the response. <br /> Fire Chief Adair stated the fire department would look at reducing the fleet if Fire <br /> Station #1 were not rebuilt. He indicated that this would be reevaluated as time <br /> goes on. Fire Chief Adair explained that this would benefit all cities involved by <br /> reducing the fleet, along with roughly $30,000 in utilities and maintenance to <br /> Station #1 each year. - <br /> Councilmember McClung thanked the fire department for their efforts in pulling <br /> all this information together and questioned when they would be before the Council <br /> with a detailed proposal. He asked for additional information on how the services <br /> would be maximized to the citizens of Arden Hills. - <br /> Fire Chief Adair stated this was the proposal and that they were seeking buy in <br /> from all the cities before additional steps would be taken. <br /> Councilmember McClung questioned if the stations were set up for 24/7 <br /> occupancy and if this was within the budget. He ran through a number of other <br /> concerns stating he would need these addressed before he would be ready to <br /> consider the change in staffing along with the 20 10 budget. <br /> Fire Chief Adair stated the occupancy change was written into the budget. He <br /> explained that the fire department would not begin transporting serious medical <br /> patients and that the local sheriff and Allina medical services would maintain <br /> current services. <br /> Mayor Harpstead reviewed the budget numbers with Council for greater <br /> clarification, noting the rolling stock would be reduced over the next several years. <br />