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AR-DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 20, 2009 9 <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if additional personnel would be brought in for a <br /> structure fire. <br /> Fire Chief Boehlke noted that fire fighters could be called in for any structure <br /> fires, however, the on call or shift fire fighters would be able to handle 95% of the <br /> calls. <br /> Mayor Harpstead requested clarification on assured responses. <br /> Fire Chief Boehlke stated the duty crew would make for an assured response to <br /> each call with additional fire fighters responding when enough are ready for service <br /> to a call. He explained that this would create a faster response time for life <br /> threatening calls. Fire Chief Boehlke indicated that this was crucial when <br /> responding to fires as they are now doubling in size faster; because they are <br /> burning hotter and faster than in the past. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked whether the full time staff were dedicated <br /> employees or if they were being pulled from the volunteer staff. <br /> Fire Chief Adair explained they were part time employees, from the 60-65 <br /> volunteers that carry pagers. He indicated that during the weekdays people sign up <br /> to work a part time job where they standby at the station for which they are paid an <br /> hourly wage to respond to calls, do fire education, work on the trucks, etc. <br /> Fire Chief Adair stated that over the next six years all fire fighters will be required <br /> to work a certain number of shifts each month. He indicated this was seen as a step <br /> in the right direction for all those who are currently responding to fires as it <br /> allowed the fire fighters to have greater control over their schedule. <br /> Fire Chief Adair explained that the fire department currently has four fire stations <br /> but could operate with two if placed in ideal locations throughout the City. He <br /> indicated that the department will continue to pursue better locations, with respect <br /> to affordable housing, to attract future volunteers, but understands that this would <br /> require City approval <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the fire fighters would require benefits and <br /> sick leave in the future, based on the new staffing model. <br /> Fire Chief Adair indicated that the fire fighters would continue as part time <br /> employees and would not require any sick leave or benefits. They would maintain <br />