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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—August 10, 2009 11 <br /> House for Highway 10 and County Road 96 was scheduled for August 18, 2009 <br /> from 4:30 p.m-6:30 p.m. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that in the meeting with Commissioner Tony <br /> Bennett he had mentioned that the mayors were talking about a Joint Powers <br /> Agreement in regards to TCAAP and that it has been said that since Arden Hills <br /> does not have resources to develop the TCAAP property alone a Joint Powers <br /> Agreement may be in order. She asked Mayor Harpstead for an update on this. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that this was a surprise to him and he does not know of <br /> anything like this. As regional mayors they do meet on a bi-monthly basis. It <br /> happens that the meeting today was how they could explore ways of working <br /> together to reduce budgeting costs. It is possible that in that process the confusion <br /> was attributed to TCAAP. There is no effort or initiative on his part to go after a <br /> Joint Powers Agreement as it pertains to the TCAAP property. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that these comments would not have been the <br /> result of the meetings today because Commissioner Bennett had mentioned it last <br /> week. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that he may have known that the mayors were meeting <br /> but there was no discussion on a Joint Powers Agreement that he had been privy to. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if there was a better way to communicate what was <br /> going on with all the committees and on commissions. - <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that he would get the updates from the Mayors Meetings <br /> back into the process. The other materials are updated to Staff as they become <br /> available. In terms of the Cable Commission there is not an effective <br /> communications process in place. He asked Community Development Director <br /> Lehnhoff to look into getting these updates for the Council. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that the City had increased the amount of time that <br /> one of the employees was working in the Parks and Recreation Department from <br /> part-time to full-time. One of the justifications for this upgrade was so that this <br /> person could work on identifying and applying for additional grants He asked that <br /> Staff bring forward an update on what they are looking at and working on in this <br /> area. <br /> Public Works Director Hoag stated that he would bring this back to Council at a <br /> future meeting. <br />