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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—August 10, 2009 12 <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that in terms of the old City Hall building the City is <br /> - looking at what it would cost to take it down. There are a number of brown field <br /> grants available and a majority of them have a due date of May 1, 20 10. There are <br /> some grants that are very specific to cities that have brown fields and clean-up <br /> funds. It would be a good idea for the City to put together something and apply for <br /> some of these. He stated he would forward this information to Public Works <br /> Director Hoag. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated that a number of the State <br /> Agencies that are involved in those grants are hosting a session next Tuesday and <br /> he will be attending this. He stated that they would be discussing the requirements <br /> and deadline dates for these grants and what would apply to this property. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that the neighbors to the south would appreciate the <br /> area being cleaned up. He asked what the City did with the Kasota stone that was at <br /> the site. <br /> Public Works Director Hoag stated that this was currently being stored at the new <br /> shop. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if this material could be sold on e-bay. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked how much of this material was still available. <br /> Public Works Director Hoag stated that he was not sure how much of the material <br /> was remaining. He would get this information for the Council and also look at <br /> options for liquidating these materials. <br /> Councilmember Grant clarified that the Council would need to discuss liquidating <br /> these materials. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested that Staff look at options for liquidating the materials <br /> and bring them to Council for authorization. <br /> Councilmember Holden clarified that the City was done at this location. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked for an update on the three address signs for City Hall <br /> that had been recommended. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated that there had been some <br /> feedback from Council and at this time Staff felt comfortable with moving forward <br />