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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-AUGUST 17 2009 4 <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff indicated Hardie-board was <br /> allowed but that the design standards would have to be further reviewed with the <br /> developer during the approval process. He explained that the B2 District could be <br /> used as guidelines. <br /> Mr. Thelen stated they would be willing to sit down with staff and review the <br /> elements used along with the design standards. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she felt the financial aspect of this development <br /> was a concern as it would add an additional TIF district. She indicated there were <br /> many other projects the City could take on and fund to meet the needs of its <br /> residents instead of this project. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked how many projects Sand Companies was applying for on <br /> a yearly basis. <br /> Mr. Thelen stated they typically applied for two or three projects each year. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated he was in favor of the workforce housing and saw that it <br /> was necessary. He encouraged the construction and building design to be viable <br /> for over 40 years, while also having access to local amenities and transportation, <br /> both lacking for this site. Connections to trails and access to transportation would <br /> be great for this site, along with links to social services. <br /> Mr. Thelen stated the last four affordable housing projects Sand Companies has <br /> completed received a grant from the Met Council which assisted in the use of TIF <br /> for the City's involved in the workforce housing initiatives. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested the Finance Director create a proforma of what it <br /> would look like if the TIF district was not in place versus if in place. He felt the <br /> City might have a net increase in tax revenues to the City in spite of TIF. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated the challenges on this property would be similar to <br /> the site completed in Maple Grove. She suggested this site be reviewed while this <br /> item proceeds. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff reiterated that a letter of financial <br /> support from the City of Arden Hills does not imply immediate approval from the <br /> Council. The project would still need to go through the review process and have to <br /> meet the tests for TIF. <br />