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ARDEN HILLS TCAAP WORK SESSION-AUGUST 26 2009 11 <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated there was great ambiguity within the PDA <br /> agreement stating the City was to notify RRLD if items were over budget and does <br /> not give a remedy. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated RRLD did not pay their bills after items were over <br /> budgeted, but continued to use Counsel and exercising resources even though they <br /> knew the items were over budget. <br /> Councilmember Holmes explained that the reimbursable expenses were different <br /> than the budgeted items. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated the Council would need to address the budget overage <br /> issue, which would be close to $50,000. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned how staff should proceed. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained he would like to see the easy, non-issues off the table <br /> and start reducing the number. Councilmember Grant agreed. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated then staff could then get into the details on the other <br /> items. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated the biggest concern will be the dollar over budget <br /> and how this will be resolved. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained it would be in the City's best interests to get the other <br /> items resolved first and deal with Mike Comodeca's last. <br /> Councilmember Grant suggested Mike Comodeca be collected first and that if <br /> RRLD pays this overage in full, it may provide precedence with other items. He <br /> indicated RRLD helped drive Mike Comodeca's expenses over budget. <br /> The Council proceeded to discuss the office support needs. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if the office support needs could be resolved and <br /> asked what was involved in the dispute. <br />