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AR DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—September 28, 2009 21 <br /> 7C. Discussion regarding meetings (continued) <br /> Councilmember Holmes clarified that the Council would not be voting to move <br /> forward with an engineering study at this meeting. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that since the Mayor and the Mayor Pro Tem would both <br /> be absent at the October 12, 2009 meeting then the person with the most seniority <br /> would be next in line. The Regular city Council Meeting will be held on October <br /> 12. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that there are currently two TCAAP meetings on <br /> the calendar per month and it was under the understanding that if there is nothing to <br /> discuss then these may be cancelled. She asked what the procedure is for calling or <br /> not calling these meetings. The TCAAP meetings had been put on the calendar so <br /> that Staff would reserve time for them. <br /> City Attorney Filla stated that the Council had adopted the meeting schedule and if <br /> there was going to be a broad change then the Council should take an action to do <br /> this. Legally to cancel the meeting they would just need to put a sign on the door <br /> stating that the meeting had been cancelled. As a matter of courtesy Staff should <br /> notify the people who would normally attend or those people who have asked to <br /> receive Council agendas. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked what the procedure would be if some of the <br /> Council wished to cancel a meeting but other members of the Council did not. <br /> City Attorney Filla stated that the Council would need to come to a consensus or a <br /> majority vote about either holding the meeting or canceling it. If the Council voted <br /> to set the schedule up then it is recommended that the Council vote to amend it. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that the Council never voted on it. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that the City Ordinance stated that any two members <br /> of the Council could request a meeting. <br /> City Attorney Filla stated that the Council had also adopted Roberts Rules, which <br /> states that a quorum must be present to conduct a meeting. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated that a consensus does not mean anything and items <br /> like this should be voted on. <br />