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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> November 17, 2009 <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> A. Park Funding Presentation—Special Legislation—Mel Aanerud(continued) <br /> Mr. Aanerud indicated a local community could now establish a five year, ten Y <br /> or year two year <br /> Y <br /> plan for parks with specific funds. He stated the County would then assess accordingly and set <br /> aside funds for park expenses without excessive fees going to bonding agents.ents. At this time the <br /> Three Rivers Parks Board would endorse this piece of legislation if done at a regional level. <br /> Mr. Aanerud explained how the park fund would work if there was an excess and stated the <br /> legislation would need to create language to cover the funding after the five or ten years of the <br /> plan. He stated that Senator Foley and Congressman Newton were currently carrying the <br /> Y g <br /> legislation. The Anoka County Parks Department has endorsed it as well. <br /> Mr. Aanerud stated he was spreading the word on this piece of legislation to pp <br /> gain support from <br /> g <br /> neighboring communities to assist in creating park plans while setting aside funding to assist in <br /> these expenses. He asked the Committee for comments or questions and also asked for their <br /> support. <br /> Council Liaison Holmes questioned how large projects could be p <br /> expensed to the population and <br /> P <br /> if they could be spread out over two years. <br /> Mr. Aanerud explained that large projects could be done over several ears, as is being done with <br /> Y g <br /> a trail corridor in his community at this time. He stated this would have to be spelled out within <br /> the legislative plan. <br /> Chair Peck asked that staff explain how park items are being funded at this time. <br /> Ms. Olson stated most cities use the park dedication fee andspecial revenue fund to cover park <br /> items. She indicated that this fund was dwindling and additional funds would need to be <br /> transferred through the PIR fund. State regulations do not allow for maintenance projects to be <br /> funded from the special revenue fund. <br /> Mr. Aanerud explained that bonding was the only option at this time and that with it came <br /> interest and other bonding fees. The special legislation would eliminate the interest and bonding <br /> fees and the funds would become more cost effective. <br /> Council Liaison Holmes stated most of the park projects are done through matching ants and <br /> � g g �' <br /> taken from the capital improvement fund. She indicated she felt this special legislation was a <br /> i p g <br /> very good idea and would support it going forward. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the timeline of the legislation. <br />