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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL TCAAP WORK SESSION-OCTOBER 28 2009 12 <br /> C. Process and Rules for Meeting Order (continued) <br /> Discussion ensued regarding how the Council reached a consensus. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated that only the regular Council meetings were <br /> governed by Roberts Rules of Order and that the work session meetings were non- <br /> voting meetings. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated Roberts Rules of Order did create consistency but that a <br /> work session meeting did allow for more free form discussion on items. <br /> Councilmember McClung agreed that the Council was not being courteous to one <br /> another and at many times was talking over each other. He encouraged the Council <br /> to discontinue this behavior. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated he was not a fan of the word "consensus" and <br /> stated that at future work session meetings, the Councilmember's opinions could be <br /> provided to give staff guidance. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated he would be in favor of running the TCAAP <br /> work session meetings as official voting meetings. He stated the regular work <br /> sessions could remain information and consensus gathering meetings, as the items <br /> discussed would take a vote from the bench at a regular Council meeting. <br /> Mayor Harpstead agreed with this statement as it would provide a formal <br /> reference to votes. His only area of concern was that work sessions were <br /> discussion times that would then be followed by a vote and would leave the <br /> community out of the process, which he was opposed to. Mayor Harpstead -- <br /> suggested that items be discussed and voted on at a future meeting. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated the information was published and made public <br /> through the agendas. <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated that if votes were going to be taken, it should <br /> be from the dais and through a televised meeting. <br /> Councilmember Holmes agreed stating the work session meeting was not the <br /> proper setting to take formal votes. <br /> _ <br />