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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 16, 2009 13 <br />1 B. 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan (continued) <br />Councilmember McClung explained that funds were within the 2010 budget to <br />make changes to Station 2 and Station 4, which would not affect the City. <br />Councilmember Holden expressed concern on the money spent for fire <br />department events, softball leagues and fitness club reimbursement. <br />Mayor Harpstead indicated he would be attending a meeting this Wednesday and <br />could bring these issues up for further discussion. <br />Councilmember Holmes questioned when Station i would be closing and how <br />this would affect the City's services. <br />Mayor Harpstead gave a brief review of the new servicing model that would take <br />place within the fire department and noted that Station 1 would not be closed for <br />several years until this new staffing model could take full effect. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned how the sewer lining numbers were derived. <br />Public Works Director Hoag indicated this was an estimate at this time and that <br />as more lines need rehabilitation this item will remain in the budget. <br />Mayor Harpstead suggested that $100,000 be set aside for the budget until a <br />larger amount of money is needed. <br />Councilmember Holden agreed with this suggestion. <br />The entire Council was in favor of adjusting this item from $125,000 to $100,000. <br />Mayor Harpstead then discussed the generator and shelter for Lift Station 8. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if the $50,000 covered the expense of the <br />shelter and generator. <br />Public Works Director Hoag stated this would cover both expenses, but that staff <br />was still considering the type of generator that would be purchased, whether it is <br />permanent or portable. He explained that approximately $15,000 was needed for <br />the generator and $35,000 for the shelter. <br />