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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 16, 2009 14 <br />1B. 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan (continued) <br />The entire Council was in favor of this item as suggested within the 2010 CIP. <br />Mayor Harpstead then discussed the surface water management plan update. He <br />questioned if this item could be spread out over two years. <br />Civil Engineer Giga stated this could be done over two years and that staff was <br />looking to work with neighboring cities to help reduce the expense. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned what the allotted funds would cover. <br />Civil Engineer Giga noted this was a requirement by the Rice Creek Watershed, <br />that the City update its surface water management plan to stay in compliance with <br />the newly updated Rice Creek Watershed Management plan. <br />The entire Council was in favor of splitting the expense over two years or $50,000 <br />for 2010 and $50,000 for 2011. <br />Mayor Harpstead moved the discussion to the software upgrades. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned if staff was able to complete inspections with <br />a laptop at this time or if hand written notes were being taken and then inputted <br />into the system back at City Hall. <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated staff did not have laptops at <br />inspections at this time but that the City was trying to find a way to complete this <br />work remotely through a virtual private network. He noted Roseville was <br />expressing some security concerns at this time. As discussed when the software <br />was purchased, PermitWorks did not have a mobile connection but they are <br />exploring options. There is not a time line for availability yet. <br />Public Works Director Hoag reviewed that there were several equipment <br />purchases planned for 2010 but that these items were in the CIP as previously <br />proposed to Council with no changes. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned if the Council would like to continue discussing this <br />item or move onto the operating budget. He suggested the Council move onto the <br />2011 CIP and set the 2012 CIP aside. <br />