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ARDEN MILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 1642009 15 <br />IB. 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan (continued) <br />Discussion ensued regarding the 2011 equipment purchased for the public works <br />department. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned if the City needed to purchase a bobcat and a skid - <br />steer. <br />Public Works Director Hoag explained that they would serve different functions <br />and that one allowed for multi -uses. He indicated the Toolcat would replace the <br />John Deere tractor and complete the sidewalks in the winter. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned if there was a machine that would do both winter <br />and fine grading. <br />Public Works Director Hoag stated that both pieces of equipment are used for <br />different purposes at different times. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned why the equipment was being replaced at this <br />time. <br />Mayor Harpstead suggested that staff be allowed to gather additional information <br />on these purchases and that this item be discussed further in the meeting. He then <br />asked that the Council discuss the 2011 CIP. <br />Mayor Harpstead read through the items line by line. The entire Council agreed <br />to have $100,000 set aside for sewer lining. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned what the sanitary sewer pipe and access road was. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated this was an access point near Presbyterian <br />Homes. <br />Councilmember Holden suggested this item be moved to 2012. The entire <br />Council was in agreement with this suggestion. <br />Councilmember Holden requested that the signposts be inspected during the sign <br />inventory to have the posts in disrepair replaced if needed. <br />