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Page 3 of 4 <br />6. The face of the fence, the side that the fence is nailed to fence posts faces <br />their property. <br />4. The fence is over 6 feet from the ground or grade. The fence panels <br />themselves are 6 feet tall, There isn't any way a fence will be less than 6 feet <br />in height when it is placed on cement footings that rise above the ground by <br />a few inches and the fence panels themselves are 6 feet in height. This <br />should have been stopped in the planning stages before it ever got this far. <br />Due to the landscape, if the fence is not reduced in height, it will be 7' high <br />or more as the ground goes up hill. <br />5. The footings for the fence extend on our property and damage has been <br />done to our property. <br />These issues that affect the economic value of a family home cannot be taken <br />lightly as they have by City staff. The new homeowners building the fence <br />have <br />exercised complete disregard and disrespect for the City Ordinance and they <br />appear to be manipulating the city officials that have inspected the fence <br />construction at our request. We feel our voice is not being heard and there is <br />a bias in favor of thepeople building the fence. <br />We are in communication with Meagan Beekman, however, it may be that <br />Meagan's inexperience with issues of this type are precluded her from taking <br />a firm stand to uphold the ordnance when speaking with the new home <br />owners building the fence. We spoke with the City Administrator, who is <br />indifferent to our concerns and is not willing to uphold the ordinance. It is <br />always hard to make the tough decisions in life, however, the ordinance was <br />passed for a reason and when it is violated, it must be enforced. <br />Any additional cost to the violator of the fence ordinance that results from rectifying <br />the violations is not the concern of the City. Had the violators followed the clear <br />language of the fence ordinance, there would be no additional costs to them. . <br />We want the mayor and City Council to intervene on our behalf, to ensure <br />that the fence comply with our City's stipulations for building a fence. <br />Anything less will significantly depreciate the value of our property. It seems <br />like people select a community to live in that will help them build value in <br />their residential home. In this case, the actions or inactions of the City of <br />Arden Hills are reducing the value of the home we have owned for almost 18 <br />years. <br />The most serious and upsetting issues are the fact that the fence is being <br />constructed with the back of the fence facing our property, the height of the <br />fence exceeds 6 feet and the fence footings extend on our property. These <br />issues are all in direct violation of the Arden Hills ordinance designed to <br />protect the interest of people like us. The city needs to take action to enforce <br />the ordinance in this case. <br />We need action quickly. <br />12/7/2009 <br />