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_ _ _ <br />_. _ _ <br />�.� EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE : January 11, 2010 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />FROM: Kristine Giga, Civil Engineer <br />Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />SUBJECT: County Road E/TH 51 Bridge- Municipal Agreement Program Update <br />Back�round <br />At the August 31, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting, staff received direction from the <br />City Council to prepare an application for funding through Mn/DOT's 2009 Municipal <br />Agreement Program for modifications to the existing County Road E bridge over Snelling <br />Avenue (TH51). The Municipal Agreement Program Application was submitted on <br />September 28, 2009. Staff received comments on this application on December 15, 2009. <br />The comments received identified that Mn/DOT is considering this bridge for an <br />improvement project in FY 2015. Because the bridge is considered functionally obsolete, <br />which means the geometric layout does not meet current standards, this bridge would be <br />reconstructed. <br />City staff and Kimley-Horn representatives met with Mn/DOT on December 29, 2009 to <br />discuss the comments and options on moving forward with improvements to this bridge. <br />This bridge had not been programmed or identified for replacement in the next five to ten <br />years. However, the City's continued efforts in seeking assistance to improve the existing <br />conditions of the bridge have highlighted the existing bridge deficiencies, causing the <br />Mn/DOT bridge maintenance office to move up improvements to this bridge to FY 2015. <br />The comments received from Mn/DOT bridge maintenance staff indicated that the scope of <br />our proj ect would need to be modi� ed due to the condition of the existing concrete. These <br />modifications anticipate the need for additional deck repairs once the bridge overlay is <br />removed. In 1993, when Mn/DOT placed the current overlay, they encountered some deck <br />deterioration. At that time, they decided not to make repairs to the structural bridge deck <br />and simply cover the deck with an overlay. The scope of our current proj ect anticipated <br />doing the same, removing the overlay and replacing it with modifications to the sidewalks. <br />Mn/DOT recommends the City add the repair of the structural deck to our proj ect. This <br />would include adding quantities for partial and full deck thickness repair in the event that <br />we encounter deteriorated areas once the current overlay is removed. <br />I IMetro-inet. us l ardenhills IPR�PW1Parks IMemos I Council Memos 1011110 Municipal Ag�eement Update. doc <br />