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STATE OP MINNESOTA <br />' COUNTY OF' : P.WsBY • - <br />VILLAGE of SEN RILLS <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT CASL We 72--24. <br />PRO <br />The. uxxdersigned, lark- Administrator. of -thy ' 'Hage of . <br />.,' Arden Rills, does her$h3 certify that. this special Use Perml t <br />.;f .. <br />t :.J is granted- p4rsuant . to the piovisions of Ordi,"nan*Ce No. 99 <br />of Arden H il,la in accordance with a public hearing. duly held <br />by the P3.auc ninq Commission on June -6, 1972, and a•ubsegaent - <br />approval thereof by the- .Arde:n Hills Council- 41% August. ,14, <br />197210 <br />Pe=issi on •is accordingly qi ven to the applicant, <br />Midwestern Relay Company, to " construct and operate • on- the <br />property.. herainaf to r described a two hundred forty (2 4 4) foot <br />microwave .tower and slice buf lding , - all pursuant to the <br />pians A)ad specifications therefor oii file with the' village <br />Adriiinis-trator. The property which is the subject of this. <br />permit is legally 4escribed as follows, to -Witt ' <br />That ,part of tho Northwest Quarter of the North, - <br />west ,Quarter of the Northeast Ouarter (NW 1/4 of <br />NW 1/4 of HE i f 4) ' of. Section 27f Township 30*, • - <br />Range 23, described as foll s t starting at the. <br />Northwest'corner of the Northeast 'Quarter (N8 1/4) . <br />of section 27,*. thence East on the North lx�e th�re� <br />of four hundred and six feet to the place <br />of heginning; thence -East 2.08.75. feet ai.=4 the - <br />North line of Section 27; then south along a- <br />line' -which <br />-luxe which io parallel to .and 4i Stant 614.75 <br />' feet Easterly" of the Welt lint of said Northeast - <br />Qua.rte•r . 0 .114) to the North richt-sof-way., li ne ! <br />of Interstate Highway # 694' . theince i i j. <br />g +:. <br />along the- Nz�rth' riht of - way �.�.n�s �f, �nterst.ate. <br />Highway # 694. to a point thereon which i.s • located <br />`our hundred and six '(4-06) feet - Easterly of the <br />Most line.- of said Worthadst -Quarter JUE 1%4). <br />• • thence North on a l ne parallel to ancl- distant : f <br />four hundied d six ( 406) feat Z t6rly of.,, the • . <br />Vest zine of said Northeast Quarter in, 1/4) to <br />' the point of beginning-, <br />This ,permit -is issued subject to all . the requirementi3 <br />and 'candf.ti.onns set forth • in Ordinance .No. 99, ' the -Zoning • <br />Ordinance, subject to obtaining a proper.building permit <br />