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for -the construction of said . tower and said service building, <br />all to be built in accordance with the plans and specifications <br />therefor asi referred. to .in the Ellerbe report of July 27, <br />-1972., on file with the Village Administrator,, as ad justad. <br />by the plans filed showing expanded site .and <br />now tower location-' and this permit is ,also 'isaued subject . <br />•to the . foll.o* special conditional- <br />(a) ' , proval. of appl.i.cant"s plan by the ' <br />' - innesota- Highway Depar eot. . <br />• (b) Approval of all aspects- of applicant's <br />plan by the.-Village Engineer.. <br />•(c) supe'ryisi•on : y Ellerbe and A�soaiateti of <br />all phases of c oastructi on -of said tower-, <br />(4) <br />tr. s s 1 c +� f a written r�ep6r�t. by Mr. <br />os6ar Reed, applicant's expert, emliodiing. <br />• <br />his testimony before they Village Council <br />- : • <br />-on u gxs t 14 ,; l 9 .72.T <br />e written approval, from the property owner, <br />' fir. 'Goorge Railing,. in.g:. : . <br />(f) Kidwestern. Rolay Company agrees to indent ify . <br />and hold bamless the Village and: Ellerbe- <br />from aAy • l.i.abili.ty-for personal injury or <br />property 4amage,arising out of or in the <br />course of caus•truction and shall. carry con <br />tractual liability insurance coverage iiia <br />auring such ;uadertaking with. limits os <br />specified for re:qutred raprehensive lia- <br />bility insurance. <br />#gj HiciWastern Ri3lhy Company shall furni.s•h to • . = <br />-the Village a policy of comprehensive ,gen- <br />eral liability insurance covering the' vii-. <br />.1 a and Slltrbe for any liability arising <br />out of or in the course of construction with <br />a base poli oy ' coverage of not. less than, <br />- 10-O F t OO r $300.,000.. and . umbzeila coverage <br />of not less than $2. r o0a',. OOG,. . <br />(h) Midwestern Ref ay 'Company steal, l fusrni sh _ to -• <br />the Village three (3) copies of all design <br />.doc:uzents and conattuction contract docu- <br />nts, including construction ani-Oroction- <br />r drawings an+ci... specif.ications. = <br />U) 14idwestore Relay Company acknowl.eclges and <br />agrees that the cies ign and erection o f the <br />tower, and•. antennas shall be sib jest to: re- <br />view and on-site inspection .by Ellerbeacting <br />on behalf of the Villaga. _Notwithstanding <br />each • reView and inspection 'by- Ellatbe, <br />mid stern Relay Company shall be and remain <br />zol.el.y respots ibl,e .--for all design, coni struction <br />and construction procec� s i.n coWiaction with <br />the prof ect t . . <br />