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City of Arden Hills Chapter 13 Zoning Code <br />E. Shoreland -Mitigation. A shoreland mitigation plan must be <br />submitted for residential development that re wires land use approval <br />includin but not limited to variances; conditional use ermits • <br />subdivisions- rezonin s• ora permeable surface credit.j-m4jjisl- The plan <br />shall be deli ned to miti ate the adverse effects land development has <br />on water guall'and the lake environment. The mitigation plan shall <br />be signed bv the roe owner approved bv the Zonin <br />Administrator, and a Mitigation Affidavit recorded with the Register <br />of Deeds prior to the commencement of develo ment activi <br />Furthermore mitigation plans shall be completed within one year of <br />theplan's approval unless otherwise Approved by the Ci . An <br />escrow fee that shall be held for a minimum of two years shall also be <br />subnm tteAuJ'6j. The miti ation plan shall include at a minimum two of <br />the following ractices: <br />I. Ve etation Restoration. Ve etation restoration areas mav be <br />established which at 'a ` m*imum shall include land within the <br />shore and the bluff impact zones or steep slopes. Land area <br />shall be restored from lawn beach or other disturbances usin <br />native or natural landscaping. <br />a. Steep Slope/B-1. Restoration. Steep slopes and bluffs that <br />are vegetated with t xrf -may be restored with deciduous and <br />ornamental trees evergreens and shrubs that are native to <br />the area. <br />b. Shoreline Buffer Restoration. A buffer zone of at least 25 <br />feet from and nrallel to the ordina hi h water mark <br />shall be.planted or restored and maintained with vegetation <br />native to the area to fullest practicable extent possible with <br />effective erosion and sediment control. Existing natural <br />beaches or beaches which have been ermined b the DNR <br />shall be allowed to continue and be maintained. A <br />minimum of 30 ercent% of the lot's shoreline area shall be <br />restored. This restoration area shall be conti nous unless <br />otherwise a roved as art of the mitigation plan. <br />2. Architectural Mass. The use of natural colors and/or <br />materials on the exterior of the structure shall be used to <br />reduce the visual impact. Natural colors are shades of brown. <br />grav, and ereen. Natural materials include wood or stone that <br />complement the setting of the structure. <br />3. Removal of Nonconfornfinp, Structures. The mitigation lan <br />ma include the removal of structures that do not comply with <br />the re uired structure setbacks from the ordinary high water <br />Section 1330 — Shoreland Regulations <br />Adapted, November 13, 2006 <br />Page 10 of 13988 <br />