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The Council directed staff to continue working on the proposed zoning regulations and to bring <br /> them back for review at the Council worksession. It will likely take several meetings to prepare, <br /> review, and edit the language of the proposed zoning regulations. The Planning Commission <br /> will be hosting a worksession on March 3 to also begin review of the draft regulations. Before <br /> the regulations can be adopted, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing, and the <br /> Council will also have the opportunity to hold a hearing. Ideally, the regulations will be in place <br /> prior to the public auction,which is anticipated to occur in the summer of 2010. <br /> The draft zoning regulations proposed to create two new zoning districts, Mixed Residential <br /> (MR) and Mixed Business (MB), and would use the Planned Unit Development (PUD) process <br /> to create a master plan for those districts. The PUD process is divided into three phases: <br /> concept, master plan, and final plan. The draft regulations are attached and an outline is provided <br /> below <br /> This is a working document that will need to be refined. As the regulations are reviewed, please <br /> share your questions, concerns, and ideas. The primary purpose of the zoning regulations is to <br /> set up a process for creating a detailed master plan for TCAAP in the future. The zoning <br /> regulations describe the process and parameters for creating the master plan—' essentially the <br /> zoning regulations are a"plan to create a plan." <br /> The proposed regulations would affect four parts of the zoning code as follows: <br /> 1320.04 — Purpose of Districts: All of the zoning districts have a purpose that is listed in <br /> this section. A purpose statement would be added for the new MR and MB districts. <br /> When a city adopts a zoning regulation, it must be based on a rational purpose that enacts <br /> community goals. <br /> 1320.05 — Land Use Chart: The land use chart lists the permitted and conditional uses for <br /> each zoning district in the City. If a use is not listed as permitted or conditional, then it is <br /> automatically unpermitted. Some of the uses, i.e. office, retail, have very broad <br /> definitions that allow for a wide variety of uses. The chart would need to be updated to <br /> include the new MR and MB districts,but staff has not yet drafted that chart for review. <br /> 1320.06 — District Requirements Chart: This chart includes the lot size, coverage, and <br /> setback information for each district. The MR and MB districts will be added to the <br /> chart, though the details will likely be added as part of a master plan that is developed at <br /> a later time. This chart has not yet been drafted. <br /> 1320.135 — Special Requirements for the Mixed Residential and Mixed Business <br /> Districts: This section is the workhorse of the new MR and MB districts. This section <br /> includes the Planned Unit Development (PUD) process and the components that will be <br /> needed to create a TCAAP master plan. <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> C:0ocuments and Settings lbecky.brazys 1ocal Settings l Temporary Internet Files DLK15F022210-CCMemo-TCAAP Planning and Public <br /> Engagement.doc <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />